Saturday, October 4, 2008

Grandchildren are wonderful!

When I hear some young mother say when they have a new baby - that they will have the next 18 years to take care of them then the kid if outta there - I can't help but laugh. That's when the goodies start - after 18.

Everything they need costs more. And then your kids have kids and the children have no money so the grandparents end up helping the grandkids. I know for sure I'm not alone in this. Love the grandkids and like to help, but someday - soon - grandma's money is going to run out. Then what!

Today my 19 yr old grandson and girlfriend moved back to our lovely city after a year away. Neither of their parents can help them get started on a new life. Very little support from them. When it rains it pours - as you all know. We had planned to have our 9 yr old granddaugther spend the weekend with us so her parents could go away for a weekend to celebrate their anniversary. But then the grandson decided to move to Tucson. He was planning to bring his big dog. We didn't want the dog here. I made a deal with him. I am giving up something so you have to give up something and that is - guess what - the big dog. He reluctantly did that, but had trouble finding anyone to take it. It was such a complicated situation that I didn't even want to know. Anyway the dog has a new home and so do Cody and Krystal. At the Motel 6 tonight. with her Chihuahua. They were extremely happy and thankful for our help. They are good kids that just need a break. Wish I had more to give them. Maybe God will bless me with more ways to help them. At least I found them a little studio guest house to live in month to month with the rent covering all the utilities.

Grandchildren are wonderful. My 21 yr old who became that age Sept. 30 just told me he changed his email address. UGH. I had sent him an e-card for his special birthday by email. He didn't get it. So what do I do! Call Target I guess and ask what happened.

Gotta get to bed. We waited at Motel 6 until they arrived at almost 11pm. Time to sleep.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

It's after midnight so it's October now!

My grandson Kyle turned 21 yrs old today. He lives in Prescott so I didn't get to be with him for this big day. Friends took him out to dinner. He worked and attended college all day long. He's about 6'4" tall and has to look down on me. All 3 of my grandson are that tall. Just glad they are nice to me! :o)

Has anyone tried the Debbie Green bags to keep vegies and fruit lasting longer? They really work. My lettuce hasn't gotten soggy. Finally, I'm not afraid to buy fresh vegies and fruit!

This Texas gal grew up in a Republican family so the first time I voted it was for Richard Nixon. Oh, how the Texans hated that a Catholic was running for president. Fort Worth is the Bible belt which evidently didn't include Catholics! That seems quite strange now that we were so unaware of our bigotry. When Bob and I moved to Tucson, we registered as Democrats and have been in that party ever since - over 30 years. Working for all the Dem candidates.

Hope you are voting for the best man - Sen. Barack Obama. More later - I'm falling asleep at the computer!

Friday, July 18, 2008

Rats! Again!

Eeek! This is the baby rat caught in our humane trap last night. This is the SIXTH this week. They had made a nest in our storage shed with our outdoor UMBRELLA - tore it to shreds so badly that we had to throw it away. What a waste! So we set out this humane trap and when caught, Bob takes them out to the desert and lets them go. I just hope they don't find their way back over here!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Old in body but not in mind!

Not happy with the MRI results after seeing my doctor today. There is not enough wrong with me to do anything about the pain in my leg. But she did refer me to a hip specialist and physical therapy to get me moving more - so I can at least put on socks! Right now I can't lift my left leg high enough to painlessly put on socks or tennis shoes. Can wear only slip-ons. UGH! This makes me feel so old! It's sort of emotional because I am used to being so active and on the go and now have aching in my left leg and pelvis every day. So I just decided to take my pain meds and B-complex for energy and try to ignore the pain as much as possible. My friends have it much worse - both having double mastectomies this week. I have nothing to complain about!!!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

California here we come!

Next week we get to go to Carmel for my niece's wedding. So exciting! My only sister's only child. We rented a condo with my sister and her husband and will have a family party there on Thursday night. Friday Bob and I are going on a whale-watching boat and Saturday, I'm going to the bride's brunch and then the wedding is in the evening with dinner afterward. Sarah bought a beautiful strapless dress. Her fiance is a real cowboy but he loves Sarah so much he agreed to wear a tuxedo with his boots! He's very sweet. We got to meet him last August. After we were there, he asked Sarah to marry him. I told them we must not have too bad an impression if he still wanted to marry into our family!

Monday, July 14, 2008

My hair is red!!!

I dyed my hair last night and it turned out red instead of blonde! So I'm sitting here with an ash color on my hair to get rid of some of the red. (I keep a supply of the hair colors I use!)

If anyone hasn't been to Bisbee Arizona you should go. That is the most wonderful place with the best people and best friends anywhere. Wish I could just move there.

The organization I run, ArizonAdopt a Classroom, needs to raise money for the fall semester and I've had a terrible time getting motivated to do a mailing. But started last night and hoping to mail tomorrow. Guess I just got lazy. But the teachers need my help so must do this for them. We've been doing this for almost 6 years now and have raised and given out over $150,000 to over 1000 teachers. The teachers are so appreciative. One of the problems I have is getting some of the teachers to spend their money. My bank account still has over $10,000 because some of the teacher didn't spend their money. They have a deadline and some never even read the email I send to them while most are so excited they spend the mooney immediately.

Time to wash out the Ash Blonde and hope it removed the red!!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

It's raining again!

So glad to hear the raindrops on the skylites. My groundcover needs a drink. I think the drip system is not dripping in the right places so some plants are dying. the yellow verbena looks great because it's in the shade of the oleander.

Caught yet another rat last night in the live trap. Bob took it across the street and dumped it on the desert. He's putting a new solid core door on the shed next week hoping that will keep the rats out of the storage. That's one of the problems of living on the desert - the worst is scorpions. Well, that's probably not true. There are worse things like rattlesnakes, but we haven't had that problem yet.

Lost 6.5 lbs on the Nutrisystem diet in 2 weeks. I've been cheating. But at least the scale is going down. Today the taping of Martin Bacal's Dem show was shown and I definitely decided to get a facelift tomorrow - and a neck lift - and dye my hair back to medium blond! :o)

Looking at myself talking was like watching another person who looks like my aunt Helen. I can't believe that old person is me. At least the things I said were intelligent and I didn't screw up.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Friday, July 11

Today was MRI day. Lumbar and pelvis. Evidently, when we were lifting a heavy chest last year, the pop I heard when the weight shifted was my bone cracking and it has caused my left leg to be painful! I'll see the deoc next week for the final results. It's always something.

But my friends Vera and Bonnie really have health problems - next week they are both having double mastectomies. And Joel is in NYC after brain surgery for cancer. Makes me feel bad about any of my complaints. Mine are nothing in comparison.

Watching Steele Magnolias on tv for the hundredth time! I love this movie! Along with Ruthless People.

Hope you all are well.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Another day with Grandkids!

Fabulous day today with Lili, Jason and my son Jeff. We had lunch at the mall and then saw a movie: Lili and I saw Wall-E and the boys saw Hancock. They really enjoyed Hancock even though the ratings have been bad. Lili love Wall-E. She's 9 yrs old. After movie we hit the Racquet Club for the kids to swim and then have ice cream and get Jason a haircut.

I have 4 grandchildren that want to spend time with me so I'm seeing my 2 in Tucson as much as possible. The 2 grandsons in Prescott call me often. We need to drive up there to see them.

Jeff and I talked today while the kids were swimming. About how there really isn't a textbook to tell anyone how to be a parent. There are so many things I would like to tell young mothers about my experiences, but they really don't want to listen - including my d-i-law. There is no way to tell them that they can hurt their children so easily with such a simple word or look. And embarrass them in front of friends without thinking about what they've done.

I watch Jon and Kate plus 8 on TLC - they have 8 children. I admire the mom for her organization and how well she handles all 8 children. They have 2 girls, twins, and tried to have one more child and ended up with sextuplets!

Friday, July 4, 2008

Rats! The real ones!

We've been battling desert rats in our storage shed out back. A friend loaned us a "live" trap and we caught one the first night, Wednesday! Bob took the trap across the street and dumped the live rat in the desert and it took off running. Last night I awoke to scratching early in the morning when it was still dark and we had caught another rat - this one even larger! So today he took it across the street to let it go - it didn't want to leave the cage! He set the trap again tonight - I hope nothing else gets into it. But I know the desert behind our house if full of pack rats! UGH. Filthy critters. The rat had built a nest in our shed and now we have to clean it out!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Wednesday with the Grandkids

Last week my grandson Jason was 16 yrs old so I took him and his sister Lili for the day. We shopped at Best Buy for a gift for Jason - he wanted an Ipod. Then bought him some SIZE 14 SHOES at Park Place! We are limited in where we can buy his shoes now because his feet are so big! And he is tallllll! About 6'3". I look up to him. After lunch at the Mall Food Court we saw the new Indiana Jones movie - it is great, terrific, constant action, very enjoyable! See it!

When we were buying popcorn at the movie, 9 yr old Lili said, "This is so much fun!" That really made my day! She lived with us 2 years ago for the full school year so we got to know each other very well. She's darling! So to have her appreciate being with me means a lot to me. Jason was also very grateful and said thank you many times. After the movie we had a ggelato in the new kiosk there. My choice was Creme Brulee - which was outstanding - and Lili chose Double Dutch Chocolate. Worth going off my diet for!

Grandchildren are so special. I remember the first time my oldest grandson welcomed me with open arms. he was about 2 and when I entered the room, he reached up and said "Grandma!" It was a thrill. We're still close after almost 21 years. I have friends who have lost 2 children and will never have the thrill of grandchildren. It's so sad to be with them and we try not to mention our kids and grandkids, but they are kind enough to ask. They face this pain every day so nothing has to remind them of their loss of 2 teenage children - it's always there with them.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Life happens Chapter 2

My friend Vera called today to tell me she has been diagnosed with breast cancer. My friend Bonnie is going thru treatment for the same. My friend Joel is in NYC recovering from the surgery and will get his treatments there for 7 weeks.

What have we done to ourselves all of these years eating food with additives that cause our immune system to shut down! And the food companies keep wanting to add more.

We all expect to get old and die of old age, but so many people are getting cancer and suffering without dying. My friend going thru treatment has to be very careful about what she eats - can't go out to a restaurant, can't buy fresh vegetables - because there might be germs on them that would cause her harm. She has to eat frozen vegies and food prepared at home or by someone who is not sick. I never knew this before Bonnie started treatment. I can't just stop by a fast food place or any restaurant or grocery deli to take lunch to her. It has to be prepared by me with fresh or frozen produce.

I pray for my friends every day.

Monday, June 30, 2008

Another Day in Tucson

4th day on Nutrisystem. it's so easy to just open the food and eat the right portion. the problem I have is eating vegies. I don't really like preparing a salade, but grab a handful of lettuce, shave off a couple of pieces of cucumber, add grated carrots and make my own dressing of a little olive oil and balsamic vinegar. I thought I could have corn, but it's not even on my list!!! Not allowed! And neither is Funny Cake! but one of the allowed desserts is their NS brownie which is quite good. All of their food right now is okay so far. I don't like the bean soup because of the way the bean affect me!!! it's nice to be able to choose my own foods every month though.

3 lbs down. It's going to be more difficult because of my back problem and not being able to really exercise. 15 minutes walking slow on the treadmill uses a whole 50 calories! But I have to keep my legs in order for walking.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Check out this YouTube with McCain! He's bad!

We are going to miss Tim Russert during this election. And if McCain wins in November, our country is sunk!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Political Campaigns - UGH!

Most political campaigns are run by careless people who think they know everything but don't!

For instance, Hillary should have won this campaign - she's the best candidate! But the people she hired and the consultants she listened to screwed it up for her.

I am working on a print job for a campaign today that has very big idiots working for it. I truly feel sorry for the candidates who trust people who screw up everything for their campaigns. I set up this invitation and after 4 drafts was told it was a go and ready to print. After printing 600, the gal said, "oops, nevermind, there are edits." Can you believe it! I told her I would reprint but would charge the campaign for 2 printings. Wasting precious campaign funds, but it's not my responsibility.

Another campaign keeps contacting me about having a fundraiser. They aren't talking to each other because I've been called too many times!

Sometimes I wonder how any candidate wins - or if it just accidentally happens because their campaign makes fewer mistakes than the losing campaign!

Young people just aren't as experienced nor as smart as us old folks who have been so reliable over the years! And they hate asking us for advice because they KNOW everything!

That's my complaint for the day!!!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

My guy for 34 years

Wow, hard to believe it's been that long, but I can't remember much of a life without him.

Thanks to a friend's gift card, we had a delicious celebratory dinner last night at Firebird Grill for our anniversary. Out of this world very different Caesar salad, melt in your mouth filet mignon with baked potato fully stuffed. Oh, yes, started off with a spicy mango margarita! That was so good that I could have had another but didn't want to fall asleep before the main course.

Surely, you don't think we skipped dessert! My choice was Key Lime Pie with whipped cream and a cookie crust. I actually wished I had only ordered the Caesar salad, Margarita and the pie. the bread was hot and tasty. And my sweetheart gave me an antique postcard that says "You are the Light of my Life."

Such a sweetie! Life just flies by and looking forward it seems slow, but looking back, what happened! My grandsons are older than my children should be! Surely I'm not that old! Many years ago I read in Dear Abby about a woman who had complained about her husband's snoring. After he died, she said she would love to hear him snoring again. I remember that every time I start to compalin about something Bob does and then I don't complain. The more time we spend alone together, the more I appreciate him - he's loving, generous and cuddly. He doesn't remember my mistakes and just wants to make me happy. So what do I have to complain about anyway!!!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Above is the Sunday Farmer's Market at St Philips Plaza in Tucson. All vegies Organically grown including coffee. Lovely, safe tomatoes and everything delicious for a salad. Samples of watermelon - the best I've tasted and that's saying a lot from a Texas gal who grew up on the best watermelon. My dad used to cut the watermelon in slices lengthwise and eat it over the grass without a utensil! It was always included in family get-togethers when it was in season. We even had yellow-meated watermelon.

We went to the market with son Jeff pictured below. He rides his bicycle everywhere and is in such great physical condition. We had a tasty but not very healthy breakfast at Jerry Bob's on Prince after buying all of those healthy vegies. But JB's has the best chicken fried steak with gravy and the lightest, best tasting biscuits anywhere. Who could resist that! And with orange marmalade no less!

Friday, June 20, 2008

Today was MY day!

Decided to take care of myself today - got a manicure/pedicure and a haircut. Along with ordering Nutrisystem Diet food that Bob and I agreed on. I've been in a frumpy mood for weeks and need to get out of it. This is a good start. It feels good to take control no matter the outcome. My hairdresser asked me if I was going to see the President in Tucson for $1,000 OR get to talk to him for $10,000! NOT! We'll just protest - if they announce where the breakfast will be. We have a great, large group of protestors in Tucson that make great signs!

Bob and I are eating all the bad food we have in the house until the Nutrisystem food arrives in about 10 days. Oh, I also called the Racquet Club to sign up for a personal trainer to help me do exercises to improve my back. And took care of some other things I've been putting off.

Bob can eat anything and not gain weight, but he gets no exercise so his middle is growing. He doesn't see it - until he has to wear a belt. A comic strip this week - think it was Pickles - had the grandpa deciding whether to wear his belt above or below his fat middle! I think that comic strip is written about us! We read Pickles faithfully every day!

There was a great movie on AMC today that I only saw the first part of! "Smillas of the Snow" with Gabriel Byrne. I had to leave so was able to find it on Netflix and put it at the top of my queue. Netflix has been great because I get to see movies, documentaries that I have missed. And whenever I want to see them!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

The right kind of friends . . .

I grew up in a very prejudiced family. In Texas. The family were all Republicans and prejudiced against everyone who wasn't like them. It's difficult to break out of that mold even at my age - with adult children and several grandchildren. I wanted Hillary to be President so bad! It just seemed like the right time for a woman to be president. What a disappointment! I just decided to donate to Obama to show my support so set aside money in my bank account to do that. However, I went to Hillary's web site first and there on the front page she has a sign up for Obama! What class this gal has. She is a true role model for our daughters and granddaughters - along with Gabby Giffords! Two fabulous female role models.

Anyway, I ended up giving all the money to Hillary because I do love her and respect her. And then I gave a very small donation to Obama just to get on his list as a supporter.

I'm trying really hard to respect him and will vote for him in November.

Back to the subject: real people live in Bisbee. I treasure the friendships I've made there thru Hillary's campaign. They are real people, real true friends, they don't care what you look like or what you do for a job - they just love you for you. I would love to be able to just let my hair down and have fun the way they do! They are such a fun group! I admire them for just being themselves. Kate and Gretchen especially. They are super duper friends and I value them both highly.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

I'll be on TV!

Martin Bacal called around noon today and invited me to be on the panel on his Access Tucson tv program about Democrats. Another Hillary supporter was supposed to go but had to cancel because of an emergency so I filled in. Martin is very good at interviewing and keeping the rhythm going of the 30 minute show. It will be on in July 2:30 pm on Sundays, 8:30 pm on Tuesdays - I guess for the whole month. One take - no editing! Have to get it right the first time. Can't blow your nose or do anything vulgar - as if!!!

Cody got his car and called to thank me. Said he will pay me back $100 per month. He's very happy. Kyle called again from LA - he talked to my son Jeff who is Kyle's uncle - and they will try to see each other.

I just went out in the back to move my water hose and scared a snake!!! Something was rambling in the bush which I figured to be a rabbit, when a snake coiled around and slithered away - into a cooler place! Wasn't a rattler. It was the good kind that eats the desert rats that destroy everything. then a rabbit ran out of the same bush! Guess the rabbit was too big for the snake to eat! Lucky rabbit!

Me and the Pest Control Guy!

You know how dumb things happen and afterward you feel how silly it was! We forgot our monthly pest control guy was coming this morning and Bob had left early. I was hurriedly dressing to get to the bank to wire money to buy my grandson a car. As the guy - very nice one who has been spraying our house for several years - came into my office, I was putting on my makeup in the bathroom. I kept doing that and we carried on a conversation! Afterward, I thought that was funny - I was doing something rather intimate - fixing my face - and talking to a man I hardly know! To me that was very funny!

My 18 yr old grandson who lived with us last school year - actually spring 2007 - needed wheels and works far from everything. He asked me if for his July birthday, I would loan him money for a car in Prescott. Of course! I suggested looking on Craig's List since there are daily new listings there. Oh, he found one allright - only $4,000! I told him that was out of my price range. So he kept looking and found one for $1560 including registration. So, bank wired the money to the seller this morning and Cody now has wheels! We have yet to discuss the payback!!! My friend at the bank asked if I was getting Cody to sign a note! NOT!

His brother Kyle, my other grandson, called from the LA area. He and his friends had driven out there a couple of days ago and on the way a semi forced them off the road into the bushes. Soooo, there is a strange noise now in his car and he doesn't know where to go to get it repaired - afraid of driving home and breaking down on the way. I don't know any repair shops in the LA area! Who would! Anyway, it just happens that my son Jeff is heading to LA today so I told him to call Kyle and see what he can do to help!

Was that Lily Tomlin or Rosanne Rosanna Danna who said "It's always something!"

Monday, June 16, 2008

Eleanor Roosevelt

Just finished watching the PBS 2 hour special bio of Eleanor Roosevelt - made more interesting because her granddaughter, Nina Roosevelt Gibson, lives here and was interviewed for the special. Probably made several years ago.

My family was never much into history - everyone worked just to put food on the table. So it's almost embarrassing to know so little about history. I've always heard about the many good deeds she did but never understood the depth of it until tonight. Like Hillary, Eleanor was the woman behind the man. And the men would never have achieved the Presidency without Eleanor and Hillary.

Eleanor should get credit for helping pass the human rights policies. She was one of the first people in the US to push for integration. She was an outstanding ambassador to the UN. Makes me feel like a lazy bum after seeing all that she accomplished.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

The Hillary Clinton Car is in North Carolina!

Check out: to see one of the top ten rated blogs on blogspot!

Gretchen painted her car with such creativity. And she's definitely helping the Hillary campaign. Look at all of her pictures. She took Hillary Masks and red blazers to have many Hillarys in NC. She's traveling all over NC with the Hillary campaign and making a big splash for her.

I'm very proud of Gretchen!!!

Monday, April 28, 2008

Leaving San Diego!

It's time. Bob's show was only for 2 days so we have to return home today. Had our free breakfast in the hotel. They have the spiffiest waffle iron. Punch a button on a machine, it pours just the right amount into a plastic cup, pour the batter onto the iron, close it and turn it over. It's on a timer so when it goes off, you have a waffle! And it's very good. Nothing sugarfree to put on it so I just added butter - or margarine. No name. Bob is not very adventurous - he had a bagle.

I can't fall asleep as early as Bob does so watched tv after he went to sleep. There was a "House" on at 11pm that I hadn't seen yet. It was so good I sat on the floor at the end of the bed to keep the sound down and from waking Bob. So I didn't get to sleep until after midnight. Awoke to this wierd sound - thought Bob was counting his coins from yesterday. He was putting on his shoes with the velcro! So it was rip rip rip rip rip rip rip and he wondered how it could wake me up! UGH! But then I needed to get up - it was 8am and we have to check out at 11. What a terrible noise to wake up to!

So now he went to Ralph's grocer across the street to buy Green Lime Snapple, sugar free, that we can't get in AZ. And I am going for my last walk on the beach. What a life!!!

Saturday, April 26, 2008

What a life in San Diego!!!

I took a picture of my foot in the freezing water to prove I really did go in it. It looks so warm from a distance, but NOT!

We had dinner at Gringo's Mexican restaurant about 2 blocks from our hotel. Outstanding! Delicious! Even Bob was happy with his.

After dinner we walked out on this pier. There were several dolphins jumping out of the water and what fun to watch! At sunset the pier was jammed with people. We were watching from in front of our hotel. The beach is such a family place - all ages are out there walking, playing.

Miles and miles of water - freezing cold but such fun.

Beautiful Pacific Beach!

The first picture is the view from our hotel room. Gorgeous!

Bob left for the antique postcard show early so I am sitting on the sofa in our room, facing the sliding door, open to the gorgeous, noisy ocean, drinking my Bisbee coffee in a Macy's coffee cup - it's antique! - listening to the soothing breakers. What a wonderful morning. Wearing my Trina Tee in total comfort. Checked the notice on the Ocean View Motel door and this room usually goes for $445 per night! Eeek! Thank goodness for! I got it for less than half that. It has a tiny swimming pool and a hot tub. My left leg was really bad yesterday from sitting so long and not eating right so Bob helped me into a very hot tub in our room last night and it helped a lot. Will walk this fabulous beach today - more exercise should help. There are so many shops around here to walk to - I just HAVE to be able to walk today. Should have brought Bob's walker I guess! Better than staying in my room, but the leg is better today. Old age is plowing into my life! Need some new top soil I think!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Greg Palast wrote about the Stolen Elections. .

He dug up so much info on the Bush family that he had to move to London to be safe! They are out to get him!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The day after. . .

Yeah, we're all on cloud 9 because Hillary won Pennsylvania by 10 pts - but when you view the pie chart her win doesn't look like as much as we would like. If Obama were so great and so popular, why hasn't he sewed up the election?

Gretchen is returning to Bisbee tonight. She doesn't think of herself as a celebrity even though she's made the news from coast to coast with the Hill Car! She is OUR celebrity! Her car got so much good attention for Hillary. Wish we could send her to every state that hasn't voted yet - I'll bet then they would all vote for Hillary seeing this precious, darling Hillcar.

I'm not prejudiced!!!

Fun getting together with all the truly devoted Hill fans in Tucson last night. Restaurant employees decided they were in charge in stead of us and treated some of our supporters badly. So our next party will be back at Lynn's home. Potluck. We won't have to worry about ill mannered, rude employees.

The best thing about this campaign is that we have made so many new friends! And we have such fun working together for Hillary! We should ALL go to North Carolina to win that one for her. If anyone knows of a car in N.Carolina that Gretchen can paint for Hillary, let me know so we can send Gretchen there.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Hillary won Pennsylvania!

Wow, what a night! Talked to darling Gretchen twice from Pennsylvania. She got to meet both of Hillary's brothers. Hillary's mom wants the Hillary car to go to the Presidential Library. Wow! We should send Gretchen to Indiana with the HillCar!

Nice turnout of devoted Hillary supporters - good food. Very nice evening. And She WON!!! by 10 points.

This is the best time of year in Tucson - warm days and very cool nights. Blooming yellow trees and wild bushes. Beautiful.

Monday, April 14, 2008

96 in Tucson today

On the cusp of summer. Hottest day so far this year. My son has a terrible pain in his teeth so wanted to spend the afternoon at the Racquet Club. Fortunately for him, I had some pain meds so he was able to sleep in the shade at the Club. We swam in the heated pool which felt so good. Sat in the hot tub and then I had a fabulous massage. Been having pain in my left leg and thought I might need a new hip. Masseuse said it is just a torn tendon. She really helped and gave me exercises to do. What a relaxing afternoon!! Would like to spend every afternoon like that!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Spring is here in Tucson!

Yellow flowers are everywhere! It's gorgeous this time of year. Spring fever time for sure! Quiet day, nice lunch, bought ink and paper. Have a new housekeeper so my house is glistening! Such a nice break instead of having to clean house. Now I can just work!!!

The Hillcar is on its way to Pennsylvania. I'm so excited for Gretchen and Kate and the car. That car will make a big splash in that state as it has in Arizona. Check out Gretchen's blog to see the pictures.

Everything's quiet and that's good news. None of the kids or grandkids have gotten into trouble THIS week. So FAR!!!

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Two very special women and me! Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi in Phoenix at a fundraiser for Gabby last night! At the most fabulous estate. About 17 of us went up from Tucson in support of Gabby. An Arizona Stagecoach van drove 10 of us up there. The best part - other than not having to drive - was we didn't have to part a mile away from the event! We were dropped off at the door. Got to attend the VIP reception by the pool - where this picture was taken. How exciting!

Young people were passing around trays of hors deuvres - chicken on a stick, salmon in an edible spoon, other things. We from Tucson were starving because we left at 4pm and didn't eat supper first. So by 8pm we were grabbing at the food trays. We asked one of the guys to bring us back some more chicken - which was delicious! He sent a gal out looking for us with a fresh, hot plate of chicken on a stick. They probably thought we were nuts!

Riding up with friends and having great conversations that we don't often get to have was the best party really. Gabby's campaign made sure we had bottled water and snacks so on the way home, the snacks were truly appreciated. Part of the freeway was closed so we along with hundreds of other vehicles had to take a long detour. It was really enjoyable!!!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

My day with Lili!

I'd rather spend the day with darling 9 yr old Lili than anything! She got out of school early because of parent/teacher conferences. We went to the Racquet Club and I let her choose what to do first. She chose swimming. She swims like a dolphin. She was in the pool for about 1-1/2 hours. I quit after one hour and have redness on my back to show that I really was out in the sun today. In fact, I just now removed my bathing suit. Lili and I just put our clothes on over our suits and then ordered dinner at the club. However, just as they delivered our meal, Lili got a terrible pain in her stomach and was crying it was so bad. We just put the food in carry outs and went to her house. I asked her mom to call me about her status but haven't heard. She's already had her appendix removed so it can't be that. She's so precious to me!

You would laugh if you saw what I'm doing now - printing on 2 printers, 2 sided printing, that my printer doesn't like. So I have to press the button on the printer after every page on both printers and still have several hundred pages to print! And I've been doing this since Monday! I'll never get the 1500 envelopes which turns into 3000 pages - done! I've tried everything to get the printer to print without me pushing the buttons but nothing works. This is not new software, but new computer. And I'm not too happy with Vista. It doesn't send BCCs - it lists all of the emails in the email! UGH! I discovered that after sending out over 200 emails that I thought the email addresses were hidden. Drats!

Slow day tomorrow except for printing printing printing. Saturday Elly and I are going to Phx to a fundraiser for Gabby and the speaker is Nancy Pelosi. Should be fun and interesting.


Saturday, March 22, 2008

We actually went to a party tonight!

I realized when I was talking to my old friend Ruth tonight that after the grandkids came to live with us, that's when we got in the habit of not going to parties and after they left we just kept it up. When they first left, we just sat in the house and listened to the quiet. Although we love the kids and were happy to help out when they needed us, we were very glad when they left. We do enjoy just being alone together in our home. He's such a sweetie pie.

The party was a friend's 80th birthday surprise party. His kids planned it and he never suspected a thing. One cousin came from France, friends came from Florida. All a surprise. Bob was in the Air Force with Frank and most of the other people at the party. What fun to catch up with everyone! All of our kids are older than when we first met in the Air Force. Strange to see everyone age and their kids grown and having kids of their own. I don't feel any older.

Watching "Overboard" on tv for the umpteenth time, but it's a good movie - with one of the possibilities to play me in the movie. I'm really a nightowl - enjoying late movies and tv shows that are on late. And then sleeping late in the morning. Reading till the book is finished. And I'm printing on 2 printers trying to complete a print job by Monday so I can start on two more jobs. But tomorrow is Easter and I want to enjoy the spirituality of the day.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Thank goodness for Netflix!!

Friday morning 12:26 a.m. Watched 2 Netflix tonight. Cable/internet went out AGAIN today. Two times in one week. If you haven't seen "The Paper" with Michael keaton and Marisa Tomei you should! It's a well written and directed and acted movie. Directed by Ron Howard. The other one was not that great so I won't even mention it. With Netflix I watch some movies that I would never pay to see at a theatre.

Promised Gretchen a pie. She gets to choose which kind. I'll take it to the fundraiser we are having for her to raise money to get her and the Hillcar to Pennsylvania for the April 22 primary.

I love pie! But can't eat too much for the weight gain problem. Just need to get to the gym more often. Every time I plan the trip, something comes up. Must do it anyway. I've been typing recipes for my sister and that makes me so hungry.

Need another restful trip to Bisbee!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Fabulous weekend!

Granddaughter 9 yrs old spent the night with me Saturday. We played tennis at Racquet Club and ordered pizza for dinner with Uncle Jeff. She loves my new laptop and is quite adept at finding web sites and playing games. She must be heading for a growth spurt. She ate all weekend and constantly. From my experience with my kids and grandkids, that's what happens - they eat everything in the house and then they grow!!! She starts playing soccer this week. Son Jeff did some work on my desktop so now it works a little better. I'm just using it for storage anyway.

The delicious pizza from Arizona Pizza ruined my diet but it was soooo good. Granddaughter wanted hot wings so we had to order pizza where they had hot wings. She had the leftovers for breakfast this morning! Yuck! I had that out of this world coffee from Bisbee!!!

It snowed today in the foothills. Lili and I had just backed out of the garage and it started hailing, snowing and sleeting all at the same time. She had to get out of the car and feel it! What fun. It was quite heavy for a few minutes and the Catalinas were dusted as if with powdered sugar. Beautiful!

Friday, March 14, 2008

Quiet Friday night

Nice day! Didn't get to play tennis like Wendy and Gretchen, but had a fun luncheon with the Women's Political Caucus and a little shopping. My grandson is in rehab and can't have any hair products with alcohol included. Just try to find an affordable hair conditioner that is alcohol-free. NOT! Woudln't you think that Whole Foods would have one? NOT! Kiehls has one but it's about $22 for 8 ozs. For a 15 yr old, that would last about 3 days. Way too expensive. Guess he will have to do without conditioner for 2 months. He's in a very nice place for rehab. Pool and basketball court.

Tomorrow is delegate selection day. I'm hoping Elly and I win and can room together at the August convention. The conventions are quite fun and you run into celebrities everywhere. I ran into Mo Rocca and took my friend's picture with him. She didn't know who he was. At the time he was on Daily Show, but now he does a comedy spot on CNN or MSNBC. I forget.

Many of us Hillary supporters aren't watching MSNBC any longer. The last holdout who was fairhanded as a reporter was Keith Olberman, but he's long gone now. He turned negative on Hillary just like the rest and is favoring Obama - probably because he expects Obama to win. So there is no cable news reporter worth watching anymore.

Quiet evening alone. Nice. Granddaughter spending the rest of the weekend with me. Playing tennis at the Racquet Club tomorrow with son and granddaughter. None of us really play. And I don't even have a "tuxedo" to wear like Gretchen. Fortunately there is a backboard so we can just bang the balls against the wall. My membership is expensive for the little bit I go there. Need to exercise more but finding the time is difficult.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

One week until delegate selection!

Peace and quiet. That's our home. Full of love and understanding - most of the time! :o) Bob's a sweetheart. Sometimes I wonder if our friends think we lead boring lives, but we just enjoy being at home together. He's watching the UofA game and I am catching up with my reading and blogging. Made 2 lemon pies tonight from the lemons on our tree. Yummy! Offered some to our neighbors and they turned it down! Now we have to eat both pies! I can feel the pounds a-coming! Hillary didn't win Wyoming. Only 7,000 people voted in the entire state! And that's a huge improvement over 4 years ago. 4 years ago only just over 400 people caucused. But most people there are Republicans. It will be interesting to see if they vote for a Republican president this time.

So now we work on Pennsylvania. Gotta win by about 15 points to stay in the game. Trying to get Gretchen up there to paint a car! What fun! She really knows how to attract attention for Hillary. In Trader Joe's today I heard a gal say she is from Bisbee. Of course, I told her I LOVE Bisbee and asked if she knew Gretchen! Everybody knows Gretchen! Her name is Deborah. We had a great conversation and kept running into each other in every aisle.

Peace and Love to all!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Well, look at the grin on my face! Can't believe he had his arm around me and mine around him. Madeleine and I were truly enjoying this picture!

Busy day here. More jobs than I can accomplish today. But fun work! Having disagreements with my Dem friends via email. Much more fun than years ago when you only had the telephone!

Have a great day, y'all!!!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Hillary Won Ohio AND TEXAS!

Since I'm from Texas, I'm thrilled, happy, elated - no words to describe!

Hillary looked absolutely gorgeous at her speech last night. I just KNEW she would win yesterday. And HE is such a wimpy loser. Can't lose well. What do people see in him! I see an empty suit!

Monday, March 3, 2008

Long Day!

I really worked steadily today. Over 7 hours straight. And I'm supposed to be retired! Not! Still need to make money. Who doesn't! And eating too much. Not exercising enough.

Tomorrow is grandson's hearing. Hopefully, it will be an easy transition to rehab. His attitude seems to have improved.

Weather turned cold again. Been like a roller coaster. Winter, summer, winter, summer and back again. Fruit trees don't know when to blossom. We took the blanket off the bed and turned the heat way down. Now had to turn it up again and might need the blanket. Need hot chocolate!

Running for delegate for Hillary to the Democratic convention. Should be lots of fun. I've been twice as a guest, but never as a delegate. Can't wait!

Love to all!

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Pennsylvania Dutch Cooking

Kate's Funny Cake recipe is delicious! Made it for dessert tonight for my Penns. Dutch dinner. Served pork chops and applesauce, dried corn and onion pie. Dessert also included Lemon Sponge Pie - a recipe from a real Amish woman, Susie. she gave it to me many years ago when we were in Penns.

Windy today. Nice slow day. Good friends for dinner. Hope Gretchen and Chili are making Hillary news in El Paso. We're full and happy!

Saturday, March 1, 2008

My son and gorgeous Catalinas

Jeff rode his bicycle up here today - on the new Craycroft for the first time. There is an actual bike path now. He used to live in San Francisco and we spent a lot of time shopping together there. Today, however, we only got to shop at Basha's!

What is this!

For my Aunt Kathryn - Young Aunt!!!

Kathryn and I sort of grew up together. She is the youngest of my mom's sisters.

Kathryn, I didn't design the blog. If you sign up for, you just choose your template and go!

Teenagers are just rebellious and when they get with friends who are doing drugs, they don't even think - they just do it. I saw grandson again last night and his attitude is better every day. He is antsy to get out of juvie but going directly to rehab. He's such a sweet kid normally. Drugs ruin the thinking parts of the brain. He is allowed 2 visits per week, 2 people each time and I'm the only one who has visited him so far. He has a counseling meeting every Saturday with his parents. Lili is not allowed to visit. Jeff will see him tomorrow. And Tuesday is the hearing for disposition.

Jeff lost weight because he joined the Racquet Club. He goes there almost every day, riding his bicycle there, and works out and swims. He has lost almost 20 lbs. His clothes are too big for him. I joined the Club also but we mostly just have lunch there and when Lili is with me we play ping pong and tennis and swim. She loves it there. Bob won't go except to have lunch. He doesn't exercise at all, but is doing well with his new hip. This problem with Steven is debilitating to his health though. No end in sight currently.

Bob is away today and tomorrow selling at the annual antique toy show here. I've actually been ironing this morning - found the iron and the board, but the board cover is disintegrating from age. Can't remember the last time I used it! Bought a new dust ruffle for our bed and had to iron it! Why can't they come pressed! :o) Cleaning house for guests tomorrow night - I'm cooking a Pennsylvania Dutch dinner: pork chops with applesauce, onion pie, dried corn and for dessert lemon sponge pie and funny cake pie. Bob loves it when we invite friends for dinner because he gets to eat better than when we are alone! :o)

Friday, February 29, 2008

Luv my grandkids!

Visited grandson tonight. Had info for him about rehab. Discovered he can only have 2 visits per week and this was his 2nd for this week so he can't have any more visitors until Sunday. and then only one more until the next Sunday. It's probably good for the kids to be locked away from everyone - to get their attention and decide they don't want to be there. He's probably going to rehab in a week or so. He "seems" to be affected by this incarceration. He definitely wants out of there and not to return.

Gorgeous day here. Almost 80 degrees. I want to work on the beach like Wendy is doing! Using my computer looking out on the beach and the ocean. Wow! That would not even feel like work!

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Another day, another $$$

Got a new job today. Some really nice people need organizing and they are paying me to do that. Bob said I can organize everyone but myself! Right! Fabulous weather today. Best time of the year in Tucson. Visited my 15 yr old grandson in Juvie tonight. He's decided drugs are not the best thing and not worth being arrested for and being locked away. Hooray! It finally sunk into his brain! Hopefully, next week he'll go to in-patient rehab for 2 months or maybe less if he learns quickly. It's difficult to know when a teenager is being truthful! :o)

Son Jeff met me at the Racquet Club for dinner before seeing grandson. That is such a great place. However, my membership allows me to go in and have dinner or lunch with my son and granddaughter - I thought that was to make me exercise and get healthy! Gotta work on that.

Would much rather be at the beach with Wendy. What a lovely place! Jim Hightower is coming to Tucson for a fundraiser for the county party. End of April. Y'all come! He's so interesting as a speaker. Last time he was here a couple of years ago, he arrived at the airport sick - Bob picked him up at the airport. I had to cancel 2 interviews for him and he had to shorten his talk at the Loft. He was so sick he spent the night at the hospital and had a medical procedure the next morning. Bob picked him up at the hospital and he stayed at our house resting until Bob took him to the airport in the afternoon. he's quite the trooper! Would not cancel his tour and he felt awful!

The more I read Bill Carter's book the more impressed I am. Just glad that I know he made it out safely.

Prayers welcome for the meeting tomorrow for grandson!

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

I've never been arrested, but. . .

my grandsons are making up for that! 15 yr old darling is in juvie here because of drug abuse. And skipping classes. 18 yr old lived with us last year until his 18th birthday in July because of same. The older sister is in deep shit! I don't even want to think about that. Fortunately, she is not blood-related - step-granddaughter.

Passing an elementary school playground coming home from meeting with 15 yr old's counselor today, I thought about all the problems those children will have in their futures. So many kids don't understand what drugs can do to your brain. It's so different now than when I was growing up. The worst thing that could happen back then was when someone spiked the punch at a party. Today kids can get into terrible mind-altering drugs so easily.

Today's meeting was intake for in-patient care for 30-60 days. He's very rebellious and needs to get over that. Of course, he is only 15. Typical teenager - tell him one thing and he will definitely do the opposite. I just want to shake him and tell him to get over it! Or else he will have a terrible life and health.

So, I'm feeling a little down about this. Like - how much can we do - nothing! He has to want to change. We can't do it for him. He has so much potential, but he doesn't see that.

Other than that, life is good. Found more Hillary bumper stickers at Joan's and just mailed them to Gretchen. They will make her a neat pair of Hillary pants! Hillary did an outstanding job on the debate last night. I was sooo proud!

Back to work!!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Bisbee is a Fun town!

Bob and I had a fun, relaxing day in Bisbee. Two outstanding tour guides - Wendy last time and Gretchen yesterday. Gretchen took me to see the Sandhill Cranes and that made me and my son Jeff really happy. He's been wanting me to see them. Anyone who wants to can buy into killing these beautiful birds. Jeff's group has been trying to get the Governor to change the laws and not allow the killing. The birds mate for life so if one of the pair is killed, the other doesn't mate - just like ostriches - and so eventually they will all not be able to reproduce. Very sad.

Gretchen is so sweet, kind, lovely, helpful. Just very pleasant to spend time with. The most fun was so many people taking pictures of her Hillary car. Even at the bird sanctuary she got a thumbs up from a man about her car. We talked to people from Fort Worth that took pictures. What fun to ride around in it! We got home just after 8pm to a flashing light for messages and several on my cell phone! I have not listed to the messages yes. I just wanted to enjoy the feeling from a fabulous day in Bisbee and not be interrupted with work. However, today, I have so many deadlines to meet and many very patient people to finish jobs for. . . UGH! I took too many days off enjoying my granddaughter Lili and trip to Bisbee. Now I have to catch up on the work!

Thanks, Gretchen, for a fabulous day!

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Monday is Gretchen Day!

We're going to see Gretchen in Bisbee tomorrow. Hooray for us! My stepdaughter called from Pennsylvania today and is homesick for Tucson but even more homesick because she loves Bisbee! Arizona, except for Phoenix, has got to be the best place to live! We have the best weather - best people - especially those in Bisbee!

Worked most of today putting together lists for 3 customers. But I took off 2 days to spend with Lili so that's okay! Lili with the big blue eyes and long blond hair.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

The day with Gabby and Lili!

Okay, here's the update. I've been away from home a lot yesterday and today. Granddaughter Lili, 9 yrs, spent yesterday, last night and today with me so we had to have a blast together. I keep crafts here for her and she loves playing on my desktop and watching my office tv at the same time! She sleeps in there.

We had lunch yesterday at the Racquet Club, played pingpong and tennis, but it was too cold to swim. We shopped at the closing Macys with 80% off! Didn't buy much. Had hot chocolate at home. I'm still reading Bill's book but tonight watched the DVD.

Today, we went to a reception for women for Gabby! What fun. That gal is truly intelligent and nice at the same time. Her hubby Mark was glowing with pride in the back of the room. I reminded her about "Judy Nagle Day" in Bisbee - she thought Gretchen said "Judy Nagle Bill"! Now that's funny! Tonight she and Mark are going to the ranchers in Douglas and will ride horseback near the border tomorrow with the ranchers showing them the problems. She is working on so many big problems - how in the world does she remember everything? She's going to be President some day! I told her about Gretchen's car and that it would someday be a Gabby car. She laughed and said she couldn't imagine having a car for her!!! She did get to see your car and said it is awesome!

Also, Sharon and Jerry Covey were at the reception. Sharon said "Gretchen thinks you're the top." I told her I love all of you gals in Bisbee. You make me feel so special!

Lili had met Gabby and Mark before and she was eager to see them again. Mark is always so kind to her. He has 2 kids.

After the reception, Lili and I returned to the Racquet Club for lunch and tennis and today we could swim. It was quite hot in the sun but the pool water was just perfect. I swam for a few minutes, but then Lili asked me where our towels were! I had forgotten to pick them up at the front desk. So I had to get out, dry off, and get the towels. I didn't get back in the pool, but surely enjoyed the sunshine. There is one court that is a half court where you can play tennis basically with yourself. That's Lili's favorite pasttime.

Then we stopped by the annual Peace Fair to see my son Jeff who was working at the American Friends Service Committee booth - they help prisoners when they have problems. Lili got her face painted and ice cream then I took her home. What a fun time to have with my only granddaughter!

So, you wanted an update - was this boring or what! I lead a pretty nothing life. But I do have some very interesting friends. - like you for instance!! And Gabby!

Had leftover spaghetti and meatballs for supper. Yesterday for lunch at the Club Lili had spaghetti, we had spaghetti for dinner and today at the Club she wanted spaghetti again. Is she Italian???

I'll see Gretchen Monday! Can't wait! Another fun day in Bisbee!

Monday, February 18, 2008

Bisbee and the Beach House!

Above is Wendy's Beach House. Gretchen painted the walls of Wendy's bathroom. It's all darling! The picture of four is at Roka, the best restaurant in Bisbee. The most delicious food! I love Bisbee and the people there.

I was lucky enough to get to sit next to the President at the debate watch party! We all enjoyed his comments about the debate Hillary was having with the other candidate.

Gretchen got to meet President Bill Clinton. This was in Phoenix recently.

Tucson Loves Hillary!

She is so darling in person. Patient with everyone - taking a picture with all of us. Giving such an intelligent, remarkable talk. We have to elect Hillary to clean up after this Bush. She's the only candidate who can do it!

Arizonans for Hillary! this is the Tucson Steering Committee. What a blast we had with Hillary

Gretchen painted this lovely portrait of Hillary and Hillary autographed it last October in Tucson.

Chelsea is beautiful! And so sweet, kind, unpretentious - very friendly and chatty.

Tucson loves Hillary and she loves us! with Dolores Huerta, Hattie Babbitt and Chelsea on stage at the UofA in Tucson. The crowd responded energetically for her! Full crowd. Some people could not get in.

Gretchen at the rally wearing her Hillary Clinton bumper sticker jacket!

Gretchen's car! It gets lots of attention! We are all part of the Hillary Clinton Army!

Up close! Gretchen and Shawnee! Next picture will be the Hillary car Gretchen painted. Notice the Hillary Clinton Army shirt on Shawnee!

My son Leonard, wife Meredith and my darling granddaughter Lili! And best friend Gretchen next to them in the Hillary bumper sticker jacket and next to her Shawnee. We were all waiting to see Hillary at the rally in Tucson!