Thursday, June 19, 2008

The right kind of friends . . .

I grew up in a very prejudiced family. In Texas. The family were all Republicans and prejudiced against everyone who wasn't like them. It's difficult to break out of that mold even at my age - with adult children and several grandchildren. I wanted Hillary to be President so bad! It just seemed like the right time for a woman to be president. What a disappointment! I just decided to donate to Obama to show my support so set aside money in my bank account to do that. However, I went to Hillary's web site first and there on the front page she has a sign up for Obama! What class this gal has. She is a true role model for our daughters and granddaughters - along with Gabby Giffords! Two fabulous female role models.

Anyway, I ended up giving all the money to Hillary because I do love her and respect her. And then I gave a very small donation to Obama just to get on his list as a supporter.

I'm trying really hard to respect him and will vote for him in November.

Back to the subject: real people live in Bisbee. I treasure the friendships I've made there thru Hillary's campaign. They are real people, real true friends, they don't care what you look like or what you do for a job - they just love you for you. I would love to be able to just let my hair down and have fun the way they do! They are such a fun group! I admire them for just being themselves. Kate and Gretchen especially. They are super duper friends and I value them both highly.


Paintress Gretchen said...

Judy you are so sweet, and very loved here in Bisbee! I hope you can come down and play with us more often!
I do admire you for doing your best to get behind Obama. I still am having trouble with that one! Hillary really is such a class act, everything she does is one more reason to admire her!
WWHD? She would do the right thing!
WWJND? She would do the right thing too!
Much love, Gretchen

love23 said...

Hey there Judy! You should really consider writing a book! I am not kidding, I love love love your writing style! It may be a published book by you I am seeing in the future! By the way, we love you just as much, and BOB too. Gregg's a bit picky with who he feels comfortable, and he loves you guys too! You are meant to party with us in Bisbee! Love ya, KATE I am headed off to San Francisco tomorrow morning with Gregg and Jade, FOR JOY!