Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Me and the Pest Control Guy!

You know how dumb things happen and afterward you feel how silly it was! We forgot our monthly pest control guy was coming this morning and Bob had left early. I was hurriedly dressing to get to the bank to wire money to buy my grandson a car. As the guy - very nice one who has been spraying our house for several years - came into my office, I was putting on my makeup in the bathroom. I kept doing that and we carried on a conversation! Afterward, I thought that was funny - I was doing something rather intimate - fixing my face - and talking to a man I hardly know! To me that was very funny!

My 18 yr old grandson who lived with us last school year - actually spring 2007 - needed wheels and works far from everything. He asked me if for his July birthday, I would loan him money for a car in Prescott. Of course! I suggested looking on Craig's List since there are daily new listings there. Oh, he found one allright - only $4,000! I told him that was out of my price range. So he kept looking and found one for $1560 including registration. So, bank wired the money to the seller this morning and Cody now has wheels! We have yet to discuss the payback!!! My friend at the bank asked if I was getting Cody to sign a note! NOT!

His brother Kyle, my other grandson, called from the LA area. He and his friends had driven out there a couple of days ago and on the way a semi forced them off the road into the bushes. Soooo, there is a strange noise now in his car and he doesn't know where to go to get it repaired - afraid of driving home and breaking down on the way. I don't know any repair shops in the LA area! Who would! Anyway, it just happens that my son Jeff is heading to LA today so I told him to call Kyle and see what he can do to help!

Was that Lily Tomlin or Rosanne Rosanna Danna who said "It's always something!"

1 comment:

love23 said...

Wow that's an amazing,"when it rains it pours" kind of thing. If I told you all the family stuff that came up this week, you would be amazed! But luckily I am headed on a week's vacation out of here. (you remember, I have a lot of family in this town, they all followed me here!) xoKATE