Saturday, February 23, 2008

The day with Gabby and Lili!

Okay, here's the update. I've been away from home a lot yesterday and today. Granddaughter Lili, 9 yrs, spent yesterday, last night and today with me so we had to have a blast together. I keep crafts here for her and she loves playing on my desktop and watching my office tv at the same time! She sleeps in there.

We had lunch yesterday at the Racquet Club, played pingpong and tennis, but it was too cold to swim. We shopped at the closing Macys with 80% off! Didn't buy much. Had hot chocolate at home. I'm still reading Bill's book but tonight watched the DVD.

Today, we went to a reception for women for Gabby! What fun. That gal is truly intelligent and nice at the same time. Her hubby Mark was glowing with pride in the back of the room. I reminded her about "Judy Nagle Day" in Bisbee - she thought Gretchen said "Judy Nagle Bill"! Now that's funny! Tonight she and Mark are going to the ranchers in Douglas and will ride horseback near the border tomorrow with the ranchers showing them the problems. She is working on so many big problems - how in the world does she remember everything? She's going to be President some day! I told her about Gretchen's car and that it would someday be a Gabby car. She laughed and said she couldn't imagine having a car for her!!! She did get to see your car and said it is awesome!

Also, Sharon and Jerry Covey were at the reception. Sharon said "Gretchen thinks you're the top." I told her I love all of you gals in Bisbee. You make me feel so special!

Lili had met Gabby and Mark before and she was eager to see them again. Mark is always so kind to her. He has 2 kids.

After the reception, Lili and I returned to the Racquet Club for lunch and tennis and today we could swim. It was quite hot in the sun but the pool water was just perfect. I swam for a few minutes, but then Lili asked me where our towels were! I had forgotten to pick them up at the front desk. So I had to get out, dry off, and get the towels. I didn't get back in the pool, but surely enjoyed the sunshine. There is one court that is a half court where you can play tennis basically with yourself. That's Lili's favorite pasttime.

Then we stopped by the annual Peace Fair to see my son Jeff who was working at the American Friends Service Committee booth - they help prisoners when they have problems. Lili got her face painted and ice cream then I took her home. What a fun time to have with my only granddaughter!

So, you wanted an update - was this boring or what! I lead a pretty nothing life. But I do have some very interesting friends. - like you for instance!! And Gabby!

Had leftover spaghetti and meatballs for supper. Yesterday for lunch at the Club Lili had spaghetti, we had spaghetti for dinner and today at the Club she wanted spaghetti again. Is she Italian???

I'll see Gretchen Monday! Can't wait! Another fun day in Bisbee!

1 comment:

Paintress Gretchen said...

Your day has been anything but boring! Ho Hum... chatting with Gabby, swimming at the racket club, hanging out with your granddaughter ( and everything else youv'e done!)... sounds like a fantastic day!
Hmm... a Judy Nagle Bill? Sounds interesting!
I can't wait to see you tomorrow!
Love, Gretchen