Friday, July 4, 2008

Rats! The real ones!

We've been battling desert rats in our storage shed out back. A friend loaned us a "live" trap and we caught one the first night, Wednesday! Bob took the trap across the street and dumped the live rat in the desert and it took off running. Last night I awoke to scratching early in the morning when it was still dark and we had caught another rat - this one even larger! So today he took it across the street to let it go - it didn't want to leave the cage! He set the trap again tonight - I hope nothing else gets into it. But I know the desert behind our house if full of pack rats! UGH. Filthy critters. The rat had built a nest in our shed and now we have to clean it out!


Judy from Texas in Arizona said...

Bob cleaned out the shed this morning. He told me to come out and see the rat's nest. Rat had made it out of our outside umbrella! Practically new! But now ruined because almost half of it is missing! Upsetting! We need to get a new door for the shed - a metal one so they can't get back inside!

love23 said...

Oh man, the sound of the rats is kind of scary to me! I hate them. I had tiny mice when I lived in a 275 year old log cabin in PA. I carried my garbage into the city to get rid of it (17 miles from town was the cabin) and one day I started the car up and felt something crawling up my leg! It had been in the garbage, and my car had no trunk a VW bug! That feeling and memory have never left me! Those were the 70's. Hope you get those varmits figured out! Thank God Bob unloads the trap!

Paintress Gretchen said...

Yuck! I have a pack rat problem with my shack out on my land. I've given up doing the "have a heart" and unfortunately have had to put out poison! even that only works for so long! Good luck, how annoying!

Judy from Texas in Arizona said...

We used the "humane" trap, borrowed from a friend. Bob dumped both rats across the street in the desert. Just hope they stay there and not come back across the street.

They are nasty things, but they ruined my umbrella! That really made me mad.