Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Wednesday with the Grandkids

Last week my grandson Jason was 16 yrs old so I took him and his sister Lili for the day. We shopped at Best Buy for a gift for Jason - he wanted an Ipod. Then bought him some SIZE 14 SHOES at Park Place! We are limited in where we can buy his shoes now because his feet are so big! And he is tallllll! About 6'3". I look up to him. After lunch at the Mall Food Court we saw the new Indiana Jones movie - it is great, terrific, constant action, very enjoyable! See it!

When we were buying popcorn at the movie, 9 yr old Lili said, "This is so much fun!" That really made my day! She lived with us 2 years ago for the full school year so we got to know each other very well. She's darling! So to have her appreciate being with me means a lot to me. Jason was also very grateful and said thank you many times. After the movie we had a ggelato in the new kiosk there. My choice was Creme Brulee - which was outstanding - and Lili chose Double Dutch Chocolate. Worth going off my diet for!

Grandchildren are so special. I remember the first time my oldest grandson welcomed me with open arms. he was about 2 and when I entered the room, he reached up and said "Grandma!" It was a thrill. We're still close after almost 21 years. I have friends who have lost 2 children and will never have the thrill of grandchildren. It's so sad to be with them and we try not to mention our kids and grandkids, but they are kind enough to ask. They face this pain every day so nothing has to remind them of their loss of 2 teenage children - it's always there with them.


love23 said...

Hi Judy, I know what you mean about the hands up to you saying Grandma! I can't wait for Josie to do that with me, she's only 7 months old right now, and she'll be saying Auntie, as Leigh's appointed me her unofficial Auntie Kate, after Auntie Mame. Our grand children really appreciate us and we are just back from a great vacation with Jade 14, highlight being sailing on the San Francisco Bay! We had Ember, almost 3, the entire next day until 9PM, when she went kicking and crying, cause she didn't want to leave us. Have a great 4th of July! My brother's band will be playing in the gulch for three nights. Buzz and the Soul Senders. xoKATE

Judy from Texas in Arizona said...

Hi, Kate, sounds like you had an outstanding vacation in SF. You are so good with children. they all love you! But then you are easy to be with. You always make me feel good!!! We had a great relaxing 4th. Stayed home by choice. Invited to a couple of parties but just wanted to stay at home today. One son stopped by. Our kids have their own full lives. We've had lots of thunder tonight but no rain at our house. We really need it.