Sunday, July 13, 2008

It's raining again!

So glad to hear the raindrops on the skylites. My groundcover needs a drink. I think the drip system is not dripping in the right places so some plants are dying. the yellow verbena looks great because it's in the shade of the oleander.

Caught yet another rat last night in the live trap. Bob took it across the street and dumped it on the desert. He's putting a new solid core door on the shed next week hoping that will keep the rats out of the storage. That's one of the problems of living on the desert - the worst is scorpions. Well, that's probably not true. There are worse things like rattlesnakes, but we haven't had that problem yet.

Lost 6.5 lbs on the Nutrisystem diet in 2 weeks. I've been cheating. But at least the scale is going down. Today the taping of Martin Bacal's Dem show was shown and I definitely decided to get a facelift tomorrow - and a neck lift - and dye my hair back to medium blond! :o)

Looking at myself talking was like watching another person who looks like my aunt Helen. I can't believe that old person is me. At least the things I said were intelligent and I didn't screw up.


love23 said...

Oh Judy, We love you so much! Gretchen just left and others, from the SCRABBLE night. The thing that's amazingly great about you, is number 1 you have chosen someone to live with that gives you unconditional love (we love us some BOB) and you are so deserving of that unconditional love, the combination just makes for you JUDY! our fave wonderful new friend from Tucson! We love you, very much! KATE

Judy from Texas in Arizona said...

And this is a mutual admiration society! I love you also.