Thursday, June 26, 2008

Political Campaigns - UGH!

Most political campaigns are run by careless people who think they know everything but don't!

For instance, Hillary should have won this campaign - she's the best candidate! But the people she hired and the consultants she listened to screwed it up for her.

I am working on a print job for a campaign today that has very big idiots working for it. I truly feel sorry for the candidates who trust people who screw up everything for their campaigns. I set up this invitation and after 4 drafts was told it was a go and ready to print. After printing 600, the gal said, "oops, nevermind, there are edits." Can you believe it! I told her I would reprint but would charge the campaign for 2 printings. Wasting precious campaign funds, but it's not my responsibility.

Another campaign keeps contacting me about having a fundraiser. They aren't talking to each other because I've been called too many times!

Sometimes I wonder how any candidate wins - or if it just accidentally happens because their campaign makes fewer mistakes than the losing campaign!

Young people just aren't as experienced nor as smart as us old folks who have been so reliable over the years! And they hate asking us for advice because they KNOW everything!

That's my complaint for the day!!!


Paintress Gretchen said...

Although I no longer fall into the "young people' category, I definitely fall into the "politically inexperienced" category. I for one will always ask your advice on political issues, and take all your answers to heart. Thanks for being there for me, Judy!

Judy from Texas in Arizona said...

I had a very frustrating day yesterday with campaigns! Today I can laugh about it. I got the invitations printed, stamped and mailed and thank good ness that is over. You have done more in your claimed "inexperience" than most of us have done in our political lives! Keep doing it!