Monday, June 30, 2008

Another Day in Tucson

4th day on Nutrisystem. it's so easy to just open the food and eat the right portion. the problem I have is eating vegies. I don't really like preparing a salade, but grab a handful of lettuce, shave off a couple of pieces of cucumber, add grated carrots and make my own dressing of a little olive oil and balsamic vinegar. I thought I could have corn, but it's not even on my list!!! Not allowed! And neither is Funny Cake! but one of the allowed desserts is their NS brownie which is quite good. All of their food right now is okay so far. I don't like the bean soup because of the way the bean affect me!!! it's nice to be able to choose my own foods every month though.

3 lbs down. It's going to be more difficult because of my back problem and not being able to really exercise. 15 minutes walking slow on the treadmill uses a whole 50 calories! But I have to keep my legs in order for walking.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Check out this YouTube with McCain! He's bad!

We are going to miss Tim Russert during this election. And if McCain wins in November, our country is sunk!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Political Campaigns - UGH!

Most political campaigns are run by careless people who think they know everything but don't!

For instance, Hillary should have won this campaign - she's the best candidate! But the people she hired and the consultants she listened to screwed it up for her.

I am working on a print job for a campaign today that has very big idiots working for it. I truly feel sorry for the candidates who trust people who screw up everything for their campaigns. I set up this invitation and after 4 drafts was told it was a go and ready to print. After printing 600, the gal said, "oops, nevermind, there are edits." Can you believe it! I told her I would reprint but would charge the campaign for 2 printings. Wasting precious campaign funds, but it's not my responsibility.

Another campaign keeps contacting me about having a fundraiser. They aren't talking to each other because I've been called too many times!

Sometimes I wonder how any candidate wins - or if it just accidentally happens because their campaign makes fewer mistakes than the losing campaign!

Young people just aren't as experienced nor as smart as us old folks who have been so reliable over the years! And they hate asking us for advice because they KNOW everything!

That's my complaint for the day!!!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

My guy for 34 years

Wow, hard to believe it's been that long, but I can't remember much of a life without him.

Thanks to a friend's gift card, we had a delicious celebratory dinner last night at Firebird Grill for our anniversary. Out of this world very different Caesar salad, melt in your mouth filet mignon with baked potato fully stuffed. Oh, yes, started off with a spicy mango margarita! That was so good that I could have had another but didn't want to fall asleep before the main course.

Surely, you don't think we skipped dessert! My choice was Key Lime Pie with whipped cream and a cookie crust. I actually wished I had only ordered the Caesar salad, Margarita and the pie. the bread was hot and tasty. And my sweetheart gave me an antique postcard that says "You are the Light of my Life."

Such a sweetie! Life just flies by and looking forward it seems slow, but looking back, what happened! My grandsons are older than my children should be! Surely I'm not that old! Many years ago I read in Dear Abby about a woman who had complained about her husband's snoring. After he died, she said she would love to hear him snoring again. I remember that every time I start to compalin about something Bob does and then I don't complain. The more time we spend alone together, the more I appreciate him - he's loving, generous and cuddly. He doesn't remember my mistakes and just wants to make me happy. So what do I have to complain about anyway!!!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Above is the Sunday Farmer's Market at St Philips Plaza in Tucson. All vegies Organically grown including coffee. Lovely, safe tomatoes and everything delicious for a salad. Samples of watermelon - the best I've tasted and that's saying a lot from a Texas gal who grew up on the best watermelon. My dad used to cut the watermelon in slices lengthwise and eat it over the grass without a utensil! It was always included in family get-togethers when it was in season. We even had yellow-meated watermelon.

We went to the market with son Jeff pictured below. He rides his bicycle everywhere and is in such great physical condition. We had a tasty but not very healthy breakfast at Jerry Bob's on Prince after buying all of those healthy vegies. But JB's has the best chicken fried steak with gravy and the lightest, best tasting biscuits anywhere. Who could resist that! And with orange marmalade no less!

Friday, June 20, 2008

Today was MY day!

Decided to take care of myself today - got a manicure/pedicure and a haircut. Along with ordering Nutrisystem Diet food that Bob and I agreed on. I've been in a frumpy mood for weeks and need to get out of it. This is a good start. It feels good to take control no matter the outcome. My hairdresser asked me if I was going to see the President in Tucson for $1,000 OR get to talk to him for $10,000! NOT! We'll just protest - if they announce where the breakfast will be. We have a great, large group of protestors in Tucson that make great signs!

Bob and I are eating all the bad food we have in the house until the Nutrisystem food arrives in about 10 days. Oh, I also called the Racquet Club to sign up for a personal trainer to help me do exercises to improve my back. And took care of some other things I've been putting off.

Bob can eat anything and not gain weight, but he gets no exercise so his middle is growing. He doesn't see it - until he has to wear a belt. A comic strip this week - think it was Pickles - had the grandpa deciding whether to wear his belt above or below his fat middle! I think that comic strip is written about us! We read Pickles faithfully every day!

There was a great movie on AMC today that I only saw the first part of! "Smillas of the Snow" with Gabriel Byrne. I had to leave so was able to find it on Netflix and put it at the top of my queue. Netflix has been great because I get to see movies, documentaries that I have missed. And whenever I want to see them!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

The right kind of friends . . .

I grew up in a very prejudiced family. In Texas. The family were all Republicans and prejudiced against everyone who wasn't like them. It's difficult to break out of that mold even at my age - with adult children and several grandchildren. I wanted Hillary to be President so bad! It just seemed like the right time for a woman to be president. What a disappointment! I just decided to donate to Obama to show my support so set aside money in my bank account to do that. However, I went to Hillary's web site first and there on the front page she has a sign up for Obama! What class this gal has. She is a true role model for our daughters and granddaughters - along with Gabby Giffords! Two fabulous female role models.

Anyway, I ended up giving all the money to Hillary because I do love her and respect her. And then I gave a very small donation to Obama just to get on his list as a supporter.

I'm trying really hard to respect him and will vote for him in November.

Back to the subject: real people live in Bisbee. I treasure the friendships I've made there thru Hillary's campaign. They are real people, real true friends, they don't care what you look like or what you do for a job - they just love you for you. I would love to be able to just let my hair down and have fun the way they do! They are such a fun group! I admire them for just being themselves. Kate and Gretchen especially. They are super duper friends and I value them both highly.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

I'll be on TV!

Martin Bacal called around noon today and invited me to be on the panel on his Access Tucson tv program about Democrats. Another Hillary supporter was supposed to go but had to cancel because of an emergency so I filled in. Martin is very good at interviewing and keeping the rhythm going of the 30 minute show. It will be on in July 2:30 pm on Sundays, 8:30 pm on Tuesdays - I guess for the whole month. One take - no editing! Have to get it right the first time. Can't blow your nose or do anything vulgar - as if!!!

Cody got his car and called to thank me. Said he will pay me back $100 per month. He's very happy. Kyle called again from LA - he talked to my son Jeff who is Kyle's uncle - and they will try to see each other.

I just went out in the back to move my water hose and scared a snake!!! Something was rambling in the bush which I figured to be a rabbit, when a snake coiled around and slithered away - into a cooler place! Wasn't a rattler. It was the good kind that eats the desert rats that destroy everything. then a rabbit ran out of the same bush! Guess the rabbit was too big for the snake to eat! Lucky rabbit!

Me and the Pest Control Guy!

You know how dumb things happen and afterward you feel how silly it was! We forgot our monthly pest control guy was coming this morning and Bob had left early. I was hurriedly dressing to get to the bank to wire money to buy my grandson a car. As the guy - very nice one who has been spraying our house for several years - came into my office, I was putting on my makeup in the bathroom. I kept doing that and we carried on a conversation! Afterward, I thought that was funny - I was doing something rather intimate - fixing my face - and talking to a man I hardly know! To me that was very funny!

My 18 yr old grandson who lived with us last school year - actually spring 2007 - needed wheels and works far from everything. He asked me if for his July birthday, I would loan him money for a car in Prescott. Of course! I suggested looking on Craig's List since there are daily new listings there. Oh, he found one allright - only $4,000! I told him that was out of my price range. So he kept looking and found one for $1560 including registration. So, bank wired the money to the seller this morning and Cody now has wheels! We have yet to discuss the payback!!! My friend at the bank asked if I was getting Cody to sign a note! NOT!

His brother Kyle, my other grandson, called from the LA area. He and his friends had driven out there a couple of days ago and on the way a semi forced them off the road into the bushes. Soooo, there is a strange noise now in his car and he doesn't know where to go to get it repaired - afraid of driving home and breaking down on the way. I don't know any repair shops in the LA area! Who would! Anyway, it just happens that my son Jeff is heading to LA today so I told him to call Kyle and see what he can do to help!

Was that Lily Tomlin or Rosanne Rosanna Danna who said "It's always something!"

Monday, June 16, 2008

Eleanor Roosevelt

Just finished watching the PBS 2 hour special bio of Eleanor Roosevelt - made more interesting because her granddaughter, Nina Roosevelt Gibson, lives here and was interviewed for the special. Probably made several years ago.

My family was never much into history - everyone worked just to put food on the table. So it's almost embarrassing to know so little about history. I've always heard about the many good deeds she did but never understood the depth of it until tonight. Like Hillary, Eleanor was the woman behind the man. And the men would never have achieved the Presidency without Eleanor and Hillary.

Eleanor should get credit for helping pass the human rights policies. She was one of the first people in the US to push for integration. She was an outstanding ambassador to the UN. Makes me feel like a lazy bum after seeing all that she accomplished.