Sunday, March 30, 2008

Two very special women and me! Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi in Phoenix at a fundraiser for Gabby last night! At the most fabulous estate. About 17 of us went up from Tucson in support of Gabby. An Arizona Stagecoach van drove 10 of us up there. The best part - other than not having to drive - was we didn't have to part a mile away from the event! We were dropped off at the door. Got to attend the VIP reception by the pool - where this picture was taken. How exciting!

Young people were passing around trays of hors deuvres - chicken on a stick, salmon in an edible spoon, other things. We from Tucson were starving because we left at 4pm and didn't eat supper first. So by 8pm we were grabbing at the food trays. We asked one of the guys to bring us back some more chicken - which was delicious! He sent a gal out looking for us with a fresh, hot plate of chicken on a stick. They probably thought we were nuts!

Riding up with friends and having great conversations that we don't often get to have was the best party really. Gabby's campaign made sure we had bottled water and snacks so on the way home, the snacks were truly appreciated. Part of the freeway was closed so we along with hundreds of other vehicles had to take a long detour. It was really enjoyable!!!


love23 said...

Judy, great to see you again yesterday! Your pie was incredibly wonderful! The crust was the BEST, so yummy homemade good, it's a rariety to have that pleasure! Being the auctioneer didn't give me much free talk time, I look forward to seeing you again soon!

Paintress Gretchen said...

You go girl! It was great to get a little Judy time yesterday! Thanks so incredibly much for your overwhelming generosity and everything you've done! Your pie is like a slice of heaven!
Love you! Gretchen

Paintress Gretchen said...

P.S. Shawnee and I fought over who you made the pie for this morning (jokingly). He said you made it for him, because he told you he wanted a strawberry rubarb pie, I said no it's for me, and I could verify that with e-mail proof! He said if there were strawberries in the pie, it belongs to him, we ran upstairs and cut into it... no strawberries! PROVING to him it was my pie... I decided to allow him a piece though!

Judy from Texas in Arizona said...

Oh, but there WERE strawberries in the pie. they just dissolved during the cooking time. But you never mentioned strawberries and neither did Shawnee, sweet as he is. I'm the one who decided to put strawberries in it! So the pie was for you - to SHARE with darling Shawnee. By the way, it might give him a big head, but my friends think Shawnee is a hunk!!!