Friday, March 21, 2008

Thank goodness for Netflix!!

Friday morning 12:26 a.m. Watched 2 Netflix tonight. Cable/internet went out AGAIN today. Two times in one week. If you haven't seen "The Paper" with Michael keaton and Marisa Tomei you should! It's a well written and directed and acted movie. Directed by Ron Howard. The other one was not that great so I won't even mention it. With Netflix I watch some movies that I would never pay to see at a theatre.

Promised Gretchen a pie. She gets to choose which kind. I'll take it to the fundraiser we are having for her to raise money to get her and the Hillcar to Pennsylvania for the April 22 primary.

I love pie! But can't eat too much for the weight gain problem. Just need to get to the gym more often. Every time I plan the trip, something comes up. Must do it anyway. I've been typing recipes for my sister and that makes me so hungry.

Need another restful trip to Bisbee!


Paintress Gretchen said...

Hey Judy, here's more things we have in common... our love of Netflix and pie!
I think I would like a rhubarb pie if that's possible, if not, a fruit pie of your choice! I love any kind of fruit pie...yum!
I'll check out "The Paper" thanks! My Netflix suggestion of the day is "Into the Wild" ( it's fantastic!) if you haven't seen it! The lead actor, Emile Hirsh, is completely committed to playing Bill Carter in Bill's movie*. He is a dead ringer for Bill if I ever saw one!
*Unlike our movie casting, this one is for real!

Paintress Gretchen said...

By the way, Boo on Bill Richardson! Endorsing Obama, give me a break!

Judy from Texas in Arizona said...

Rhubarb is easy but I'll have to make 2 - one for Bob. That's his favorite.

Double Boo! I hope John Edwards is smarter. Both NM and AZ governors were given a boost in their careers by the Clintons and they have no loyalty! I'm mad at both of them!

The Governor's office sent a poster autographed by the Governor for your fundraiser!!! It arrived in the mail today!

Paintress Gretchen said...

Wow, Janet Napolitano? That's interesting! Sounds like you've been working over-time!
Will you mind making a pie for both Bob and I?

Tour Wonk said...


You can come down for the Wed April 2nd House Concert! That'll be my last night here for a while... Need... Nagle.... must.... have Nagle....

love23 said...

Wow, can't believe Gretchen didn't select FUNNY CAKE!

love23 said...

Which is of course a PA DUTCHIE pie!

Paintress Gretchen said...

Well, that was a tough choice! Maybe we'll have some funnycake in Pennsylvania!

Judy from Texas in Arizona said...

True about the funny cake in Penns. You'll get some delicious PA. Dutch food up there.

As for April 3, we are having a fundraiser for Donna Branch Gilby at Joan's that night. Maybe I won't have to be there. I'll ask Bob if we can come down to Bisbee for the night. Is KKs house available or should we stay at the El Dorado?

I didn't ASK for the Governor's poster - someone just sent it!

Tell me exactly what's happening on April 3. Would like to see Tour Wonk before you leave!!!