Friday, March 14, 2008

Quiet Friday night

Nice day! Didn't get to play tennis like Wendy and Gretchen, but had a fun luncheon with the Women's Political Caucus and a little shopping. My grandson is in rehab and can't have any hair products with alcohol included. Just try to find an affordable hair conditioner that is alcohol-free. NOT! Woudln't you think that Whole Foods would have one? NOT! Kiehls has one but it's about $22 for 8 ozs. For a 15 yr old, that would last about 3 days. Way too expensive. Guess he will have to do without conditioner for 2 months. He's in a very nice place for rehab. Pool and basketball court.

Tomorrow is delegate selection day. I'm hoping Elly and I win and can room together at the August convention. The conventions are quite fun and you run into celebrities everywhere. I ran into Mo Rocca and took my friend's picture with him. She didn't know who he was. At the time he was on Daily Show, but now he does a comedy spot on CNN or MSNBC. I forget.

Many of us Hillary supporters aren't watching MSNBC any longer. The last holdout who was fairhanded as a reporter was Keith Olberman, but he's long gone now. He turned negative on Hillary just like the rest and is favoring Obama - probably because he expects Obama to win. So there is no cable news reporter worth watching anymore.

Quiet evening alone. Nice. Granddaughter spending the rest of the weekend with me. Playing tennis at the Racquet Club tomorrow with son and granddaughter. None of us really play. And I don't even have a "tuxedo" to wear like Gretchen. Fortunately there is a backboard so we can just bang the balls against the wall. My membership is expensive for the little bit I go there. Need to exercise more but finding the time is difficult.


Paintress Gretchen said...

I'm hoping you'll win, I'm sure you will! You, and ellie and JoJene too! That will be fantastic!
Hmm, a hair conditioner without alcohol, maybe he can just use a little lotion when he needs it.
well, good luck tomorrow! I'm rooting for you!

Judy from Texas in Arizona said...

Thank you! JoJene and Elly really really wanted to win so that's the way it was supposed to be. I'm going with Elly and we'll share a room. We'll still have lots of fun! I have been with my son and granddaughter all day. I see that you called sometime this afternoon, but I just got back from taking my son home and Lili is spending the night. Bob is in Phx doing an antique show. Lili is eating like a horse which means she is going to have a growing spurt! She's growing up way too fast for me!

love23 said...

Hey Judy, It's a tie! Shirley and Goldie will tag team in the movie playing JUDY NAGLE! Well we committed yesterday and purchased the tickets! Now only hope and pray the HILL CAR will meet us there too! My mom's 81 and she can't wait for the car to arrive. She's seen a long stream of my various art cars over the years. I am taking my granddaughter to a cabin on Roper Lake with 3-4 of her friends! Wednesday and Thursday of this week! See you on March 30!