Saturday, March 8, 2008

One week until delegate selection!

Peace and quiet. That's our home. Full of love and understanding - most of the time! :o) Bob's a sweetheart. Sometimes I wonder if our friends think we lead boring lives, but we just enjoy being at home together. He's watching the UofA game and I am catching up with my reading and blogging. Made 2 lemon pies tonight from the lemons on our tree. Yummy! Offered some to our neighbors and they turned it down! Now we have to eat both pies! I can feel the pounds a-coming! Hillary didn't win Wyoming. Only 7,000 people voted in the entire state! And that's a huge improvement over 4 years ago. 4 years ago only just over 400 people caucused. But most people there are Republicans. It will be interesting to see if they vote for a Republican president this time.

So now we work on Pennsylvania. Gotta win by about 15 points to stay in the game. Trying to get Gretchen up there to paint a car! What fun! She really knows how to attract attention for Hillary. In Trader Joe's today I heard a gal say she is from Bisbee. Of course, I told her I LOVE Bisbee and asked if she knew Gretchen! Everybody knows Gretchen! Her name is Deborah. We had a great conversation and kept running into each other in every aisle.

Peace and Love to all!


Paintress Gretchen said...

I wish I had a piece of that lemon cake right now! How did the funny cake turn out by the way? Yes, we need to make sure Hillary wins by a landslide in Pennsylvania! People in Wyoming are dumb!

Judy from Texas in Arizona said...

Funny cake was delicious! My neighbors loved it. Some of my high school friends want the recipe. Will have to post.

Penns. looks good for Hillary. I'll forward you an article about it today.

Miss you!

Judy from Texas in Arizona said... is the Penns. article.

love23 said...

Hi Judy, Just checking into say HI and checking out your blog. I have been busy with other stuff for a few days! Hope to see you soooooon! Luv KATE

Paintress Gretchen said...

Kate told me people raved about the funny cake! I can't wait to taste it! I'll check out that article.. I wasn't able to access it earlier, I'll try again!
Funny cake!!! I can hardly wait!

love23 said...

Hey Judy, Looks like your friends are voting for Shirley MacLaine, and she's very cool for sure, but we all voted for Goldie! See who wins in the final days! I am gonna do a photo shoot with Gretchen today of her car and her!

Judy from Texas in Arizona said...

I voted for Goldie but hubby votede for Shirley - as most of my friends did! That was fun! I'm glad Gretchen set that up! Hope you get to go to Penns. with Gretchen. Your home! Our daughter lives in Warrington, works in Philly. For the state.

love23 said...

Judy, the photos turned out great, I took 60, and then we edited on my computer and I came out with 15 really great ones from that. She will be posting soon. Looks like Goldie and Shirley are tie! I will be swimming laps with Wendy tomorrow morning at 8AM! Maybe we will meet your daughter in our travels, seems like it!

Paintress Gretchen said...

I voted for Goldie too... but since I picked the cast I think they all would be pretty good! I can't wait until the movie comes out!

Anonymous said...

Gretchen, you have really made this fun for me and my friends. they had a blast choosing who will play ME!

Now, who will play Gretchen!!!

Judy from Texas in Arizona said...

that last comment was from me but somehow it put the name "Bill" on it! Interesting!!!

love23 said...

Hey Judy, What's up? No news is good news? Ok, back to my beautiful Bisbee day!

Tour Wonk said...

I voted for Goldie as well... no contest!

Love ya Judy Nagle!!!