Wednesday, February 27, 2008

I've never been arrested, but. . .

my grandsons are making up for that! 15 yr old darling is in juvie here because of drug abuse. And skipping classes. 18 yr old lived with us last year until his 18th birthday in July because of same. The older sister is in deep shit! I don't even want to think about that. Fortunately, she is not blood-related - step-granddaughter.

Passing an elementary school playground coming home from meeting with 15 yr old's counselor today, I thought about all the problems those children will have in their futures. So many kids don't understand what drugs can do to your brain. It's so different now than when I was growing up. The worst thing that could happen back then was when someone spiked the punch at a party. Today kids can get into terrible mind-altering drugs so easily.

Today's meeting was intake for in-patient care for 30-60 days. He's very rebellious and needs to get over that. Of course, he is only 15. Typical teenager - tell him one thing and he will definitely do the opposite. I just want to shake him and tell him to get over it! Or else he will have a terrible life and health.

So, I'm feeling a little down about this. Like - how much can we do - nothing! He has to want to change. We can't do it for him. He has so much potential, but he doesn't see that.

Other than that, life is good. Found more Hillary bumper stickers at Joan's and just mailed them to Gretchen. They will make her a neat pair of Hillary pants! Hillary did an outstanding job on the debate last night. I was sooo proud!

Back to work!!


Tour Wonk said...

Judy... let me know if you need some long-time sober support...

Paintress Gretchen said...

I think you have great insight. He is very lucky to have you in his life! I'm sure glad your in mine!

Judy from Texas in Arizona said...

And I'm glad you are both in my life! Life happens!!!