Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Bisbee is a Fun town!

Bob and I had a fun, relaxing day in Bisbee. Two outstanding tour guides - Wendy last time and Gretchen yesterday. Gretchen took me to see the Sandhill Cranes and that made me and my son Jeff really happy. He's been wanting me to see them. Anyone who wants to can buy into killing these beautiful birds. Jeff's group has been trying to get the Governor to change the laws and not allow the killing. The birds mate for life so if one of the pair is killed, the other doesn't mate - just like ostriches - and so eventually they will all not be able to reproduce. Very sad.

Gretchen is so sweet, kind, lovely, helpful. Just very pleasant to spend time with. The most fun was so many people taking pictures of her Hillary car. Even at the bird sanctuary she got a thumbs up from a man about her car. We talked to people from Fort Worth that took pictures. What fun to ride around in it! We got home just after 8pm to a flashing light for messages and several on my cell phone! I have not listed to the messages yes. I just wanted to enjoy the feeling from a fabulous day in Bisbee and not be interrupted with work. However, today, I have so many deadlines to meet and many very patient people to finish jobs for. . . UGH! I took too many days off enjoying my granddaughter Lili and trip to Bisbee. Now I have to catch up on the work!

Thanks, Gretchen, for a fabulous day!


Paintress Gretchen said...

The feeling is mutual, I had a great day as well! Kate helped me glue today, along with Rick and Mo. Kate and I talked quite a bit about "funny cake", and how we can't wait to come visit sometime and see if you'll bake one! We imagined you might be baking Bob a funny cake today, but sounds like you've been too busy!

Judy from Texas in Arizona said...

Yeah, very busy day. Too many deadlines and tomorrow is my grandson's meeting. I try to do too much. Hillary is doing a great job on the debate tonight. I'm very proud of her. She stood up for herself in a very positive way. I've gotten several more Hillary calls today. People care so much!

I'll make a good dinner for Bob and my neighbors on Sunday and make the funny cake! I'm curious as to what it will taste like! Thank Kate for giving me her delicious recipes.

My son Jeff was thrilled that I got to see the Cranes. He and a friend took materials and paid for a booth at the annual Cranes event and were told never to return because they were showing how some people hunt them for fun. That's difficult to believe - that people would enjoy shooting those beautiful birds out of the sky.