Monday, April 28, 2008

Leaving San Diego!

It's time. Bob's show was only for 2 days so we have to return home today. Had our free breakfast in the hotel. They have the spiffiest waffle iron. Punch a button on a machine, it pours just the right amount into a plastic cup, pour the batter onto the iron, close it and turn it over. It's on a timer so when it goes off, you have a waffle! And it's very good. Nothing sugarfree to put on it so I just added butter - or margarine. No name. Bob is not very adventurous - he had a bagle.

I can't fall asleep as early as Bob does so watched tv after he went to sleep. There was a "House" on at 11pm that I hadn't seen yet. It was so good I sat on the floor at the end of the bed to keep the sound down and from waking Bob. So I didn't get to sleep until after midnight. Awoke to this wierd sound - thought Bob was counting his coins from yesterday. He was putting on his shoes with the velcro! So it was rip rip rip rip rip rip rip and he wondered how it could wake me up! UGH! But then I needed to get up - it was 8am and we have to check out at 11. What a terrible noise to wake up to!

So now he went to Ralph's grocer across the street to buy Green Lime Snapple, sugar free, that we can't get in AZ. And I am going for my last walk on the beach. What a life!!!


Tour Wonk said...

Judy!! You got some beach, and I didn't WTF???

Hey Babe! I send love!!!


love23 said...

Hey Judy, I am still interested in coming to Tucson for Lynne's Primary Party. There is a possibility I will change my mind, but don't know yet for certain. I can't remember exactly where her house is, cause another friend drove us there. I just need the address again, and will look thru stuff to see if I can find the directions again. If Gretchen is flying back the next day, like she's planned to do, I will definately come to the party and stay overnight with the Bombshelters and give her a ride back to Bisbee. If she's swept up with the campaign and someone's given her enought money to continue on, I might not drive up there. I need to get your phone number, it would be easier than this long winded message on your blog! Love KATE

love23 said...

Hey Judy, that Greeen Lime Snapple sounds great! Wish I could get me some!

Judy from Texas in Arizona said...

Oh, yeah, the beach was fabulous! I'm a beach bum at heart. You know my area code. phone is 5778756. Just post here about what's happening or call me. It's not a long winded message - I love hearing from you!

Paintress Gretchen said...

The first waffle iron, is definitely NOT younger than McCain! They've been around a while!