OK Judy, I will bring my art van to Lynne's house for the Primary watching for North Carolina! Wow a funny cake! I will also bring back your pie pan from Gretchen at that time! I found a much cheaper flight and took the info to her at work, last eve, and Gregg and I ate dinner at the bar, and it was hectic hopping in there.
Oh, I can't wait to return to Cafe Roka and bring Bob with me. You are such a great friend to Gretchen - thanks for finding her a cheaper ride to NC. I know she truly appreciates you.
We are in San Diego, room in a beach hotel right on the beach. Bob is asleep but I have the sliding door open and can hear the breakers! Wow! I love this place - my first choice of anything is be live at the beach. Warm beach! But my leg gave me so much trouble today I could hardly walk. Thank goodness I am seeing the physical therapist on Wednesday. May have to use Bob's walker when we return. This is maddening!!! The best place I want to be and can't walk. We tried walking down the sidewalk on the beach before dinner, but couldn't go far. Had dinner at the Green Flash on the beach. Delicious seafood of course.
Will send picture tomorrow. Don't want to wake Bob by getting the card from the camera. See you for sure in Tucson! with a funny Cake! or two
OK Judy, I will bring my art van to Lynne's house for the Primary watching for North Carolina! Wow a funny cake! I will also bring back your pie pan from Gretchen at that time! I found a much cheaper flight and took the info to her at work, last eve, and Gregg and I ate dinner at the bar, and it was hectic hopping in there.
Oh, I can't wait to return to Cafe Roka and bring Bob with me. You are such a great friend to Gretchen - thanks for finding her a cheaper ride to NC. I know she truly appreciates you.
We are in San Diego, room in a beach hotel right on the beach. Bob is asleep but I have the sliding door open and can hear the breakers! Wow! I love this place - my first choice of anything is be live at the beach. Warm beach! But my leg gave me so much trouble today I could hardly walk. Thank goodness I am seeing the physical therapist on Wednesday. May have to use Bob's walker when we return. This is maddening!!! The best place I want to be and can't walk. We tried walking down the sidewalk on the beach before dinner, but couldn't go far. Had dinner at the Green Flash on the beach. Delicious seafood of course.
Will send picture tomorrow. Don't want to wake Bob by getting the card from the camera. See you for sure in Tucson! with a funny Cake! or two
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