Sunday, March 30, 2008

Two very special women and me! Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi in Phoenix at a fundraiser for Gabby last night! At the most fabulous estate. About 17 of us went up from Tucson in support of Gabby. An Arizona Stagecoach van drove 10 of us up there. The best part - other than not having to drive - was we didn't have to part a mile away from the event! We were dropped off at the door. Got to attend the VIP reception by the pool - where this picture was taken. How exciting!

Young people were passing around trays of hors deuvres - chicken on a stick, salmon in an edible spoon, other things. We from Tucson were starving because we left at 4pm and didn't eat supper first. So by 8pm we were grabbing at the food trays. We asked one of the guys to bring us back some more chicken - which was delicious! He sent a gal out looking for us with a fresh, hot plate of chicken on a stick. They probably thought we were nuts!

Riding up with friends and having great conversations that we don't often get to have was the best party really. Gabby's campaign made sure we had bottled water and snacks so on the way home, the snacks were truly appreciated. Part of the freeway was closed so we along with hundreds of other vehicles had to take a long detour. It was really enjoyable!!!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

My day with Lili!

I'd rather spend the day with darling 9 yr old Lili than anything! She got out of school early because of parent/teacher conferences. We went to the Racquet Club and I let her choose what to do first. She chose swimming. She swims like a dolphin. She was in the pool for about 1-1/2 hours. I quit after one hour and have redness on my back to show that I really was out in the sun today. In fact, I just now removed my bathing suit. Lili and I just put our clothes on over our suits and then ordered dinner at the club. However, just as they delivered our meal, Lili got a terrible pain in her stomach and was crying it was so bad. We just put the food in carry outs and went to her house. I asked her mom to call me about her status but haven't heard. She's already had her appendix removed so it can't be that. She's so precious to me!

You would laugh if you saw what I'm doing now - printing on 2 printers, 2 sided printing, that my printer doesn't like. So I have to press the button on the printer after every page on both printers and still have several hundred pages to print! And I've been doing this since Monday! I'll never get the 1500 envelopes which turns into 3000 pages - done! I've tried everything to get the printer to print without me pushing the buttons but nothing works. This is not new software, but new computer. And I'm not too happy with Vista. It doesn't send BCCs - it lists all of the emails in the email! UGH! I discovered that after sending out over 200 emails that I thought the email addresses were hidden. Drats!

Slow day tomorrow except for printing printing printing. Saturday Elly and I are going to Phx to a fundraiser for Gabby and the speaker is Nancy Pelosi. Should be fun and interesting.


Saturday, March 22, 2008

We actually went to a party tonight!

I realized when I was talking to my old friend Ruth tonight that after the grandkids came to live with us, that's when we got in the habit of not going to parties and after they left we just kept it up. When they first left, we just sat in the house and listened to the quiet. Although we love the kids and were happy to help out when they needed us, we were very glad when they left. We do enjoy just being alone together in our home. He's such a sweetie pie.

The party was a friend's 80th birthday surprise party. His kids planned it and he never suspected a thing. One cousin came from France, friends came from Florida. All a surprise. Bob was in the Air Force with Frank and most of the other people at the party. What fun to catch up with everyone! All of our kids are older than when we first met in the Air Force. Strange to see everyone age and their kids grown and having kids of their own. I don't feel any older.

Watching "Overboard" on tv for the umpteenth time, but it's a good movie - with one of the possibilities to play me in the movie. I'm really a nightowl - enjoying late movies and tv shows that are on late. And then sleeping late in the morning. Reading till the book is finished. And I'm printing on 2 printers trying to complete a print job by Monday so I can start on two more jobs. But tomorrow is Easter and I want to enjoy the spirituality of the day.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Thank goodness for Netflix!!

Friday morning 12:26 a.m. Watched 2 Netflix tonight. Cable/internet went out AGAIN today. Two times in one week. If you haven't seen "The Paper" with Michael keaton and Marisa Tomei you should! It's a well written and directed and acted movie. Directed by Ron Howard. The other one was not that great so I won't even mention it. With Netflix I watch some movies that I would never pay to see at a theatre.

Promised Gretchen a pie. She gets to choose which kind. I'll take it to the fundraiser we are having for her to raise money to get her and the Hillcar to Pennsylvania for the April 22 primary.

I love pie! But can't eat too much for the weight gain problem. Just need to get to the gym more often. Every time I plan the trip, something comes up. Must do it anyway. I've been typing recipes for my sister and that makes me so hungry.

Need another restful trip to Bisbee!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Fabulous weekend!

Granddaughter 9 yrs old spent the night with me Saturday. We played tennis at Racquet Club and ordered pizza for dinner with Uncle Jeff. She loves my new laptop and is quite adept at finding web sites and playing games. She must be heading for a growth spurt. She ate all weekend and constantly. From my experience with my kids and grandkids, that's what happens - they eat everything in the house and then they grow!!! She starts playing soccer this week. Son Jeff did some work on my desktop so now it works a little better. I'm just using it for storage anyway.

The delicious pizza from Arizona Pizza ruined my diet but it was soooo good. Granddaughter wanted hot wings so we had to order pizza where they had hot wings. She had the leftovers for breakfast this morning! Yuck! I had that out of this world coffee from Bisbee!!!

It snowed today in the foothills. Lili and I had just backed out of the garage and it started hailing, snowing and sleeting all at the same time. She had to get out of the car and feel it! What fun. It was quite heavy for a few minutes and the Catalinas were dusted as if with powdered sugar. Beautiful!

Friday, March 14, 2008

Quiet Friday night

Nice day! Didn't get to play tennis like Wendy and Gretchen, but had a fun luncheon with the Women's Political Caucus and a little shopping. My grandson is in rehab and can't have any hair products with alcohol included. Just try to find an affordable hair conditioner that is alcohol-free. NOT! Woudln't you think that Whole Foods would have one? NOT! Kiehls has one but it's about $22 for 8 ozs. For a 15 yr old, that would last about 3 days. Way too expensive. Guess he will have to do without conditioner for 2 months. He's in a very nice place for rehab. Pool and basketball court.

Tomorrow is delegate selection day. I'm hoping Elly and I win and can room together at the August convention. The conventions are quite fun and you run into celebrities everywhere. I ran into Mo Rocca and took my friend's picture with him. She didn't know who he was. At the time he was on Daily Show, but now he does a comedy spot on CNN or MSNBC. I forget.

Many of us Hillary supporters aren't watching MSNBC any longer. The last holdout who was fairhanded as a reporter was Keith Olberman, but he's long gone now. He turned negative on Hillary just like the rest and is favoring Obama - probably because he expects Obama to win. So there is no cable news reporter worth watching anymore.

Quiet evening alone. Nice. Granddaughter spending the rest of the weekend with me. Playing tennis at the Racquet Club tomorrow with son and granddaughter. None of us really play. And I don't even have a "tuxedo" to wear like Gretchen. Fortunately there is a backboard so we can just bang the balls against the wall. My membership is expensive for the little bit I go there. Need to exercise more but finding the time is difficult.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

One week until delegate selection!

Peace and quiet. That's our home. Full of love and understanding - most of the time! :o) Bob's a sweetheart. Sometimes I wonder if our friends think we lead boring lives, but we just enjoy being at home together. He's watching the UofA game and I am catching up with my reading and blogging. Made 2 lemon pies tonight from the lemons on our tree. Yummy! Offered some to our neighbors and they turned it down! Now we have to eat both pies! I can feel the pounds a-coming! Hillary didn't win Wyoming. Only 7,000 people voted in the entire state! And that's a huge improvement over 4 years ago. 4 years ago only just over 400 people caucused. But most people there are Republicans. It will be interesting to see if they vote for a Republican president this time.

So now we work on Pennsylvania. Gotta win by about 15 points to stay in the game. Trying to get Gretchen up there to paint a car! What fun! She really knows how to attract attention for Hillary. In Trader Joe's today I heard a gal say she is from Bisbee. Of course, I told her I LOVE Bisbee and asked if she knew Gretchen! Everybody knows Gretchen! Her name is Deborah. We had a great conversation and kept running into each other in every aisle.

Peace and Love to all!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Well, look at the grin on my face! Can't believe he had his arm around me and mine around him. Madeleine and I were truly enjoying this picture!

Busy day here. More jobs than I can accomplish today. But fun work! Having disagreements with my Dem friends via email. Much more fun than years ago when you only had the telephone!

Have a great day, y'all!!!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Hillary Won Ohio AND TEXAS!

Since I'm from Texas, I'm thrilled, happy, elated - no words to describe!

Hillary looked absolutely gorgeous at her speech last night. I just KNEW she would win yesterday. And HE is such a wimpy loser. Can't lose well. What do people see in him! I see an empty suit!

Monday, March 3, 2008

Long Day!

I really worked steadily today. Over 7 hours straight. And I'm supposed to be retired! Not! Still need to make money. Who doesn't! And eating too much. Not exercising enough.

Tomorrow is grandson's hearing. Hopefully, it will be an easy transition to rehab. His attitude seems to have improved.

Weather turned cold again. Been like a roller coaster. Winter, summer, winter, summer and back again. Fruit trees don't know when to blossom. We took the blanket off the bed and turned the heat way down. Now had to turn it up again and might need the blanket. Need hot chocolate!

Running for delegate for Hillary to the Democratic convention. Should be lots of fun. I've been twice as a guest, but never as a delegate. Can't wait!

Love to all!

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Pennsylvania Dutch Cooking

Kate's Funny Cake recipe is delicious! Made it for dessert tonight for my Penns. Dutch dinner. Served pork chops and applesauce, dried corn and onion pie. Dessert also included Lemon Sponge Pie - a recipe from a real Amish woman, Susie. she gave it to me many years ago when we were in Penns.

Windy today. Nice slow day. Good friends for dinner. Hope Gretchen and Chili are making Hillary news in El Paso. We're full and happy!

Saturday, March 1, 2008

My son and gorgeous Catalinas

Jeff rode his bicycle up here today - on the new Craycroft for the first time. There is an actual bike path now. He used to live in San Francisco and we spent a lot of time shopping together there. Today, however, we only got to shop at Basha's!

What is this!

For my Aunt Kathryn - Young Aunt!!!

Kathryn and I sort of grew up together. She is the youngest of my mom's sisters.

Kathryn, I didn't design the blog. If you sign up for, you just choose your template and go!

Teenagers are just rebellious and when they get with friends who are doing drugs, they don't even think - they just do it. I saw grandson again last night and his attitude is better every day. He is antsy to get out of juvie but going directly to rehab. He's such a sweet kid normally. Drugs ruin the thinking parts of the brain. He is allowed 2 visits per week, 2 people each time and I'm the only one who has visited him so far. He has a counseling meeting every Saturday with his parents. Lili is not allowed to visit. Jeff will see him tomorrow. And Tuesday is the hearing for disposition.

Jeff lost weight because he joined the Racquet Club. He goes there almost every day, riding his bicycle there, and works out and swims. He has lost almost 20 lbs. His clothes are too big for him. I joined the Club also but we mostly just have lunch there and when Lili is with me we play ping pong and tennis and swim. She loves it there. Bob won't go except to have lunch. He doesn't exercise at all, but is doing well with his new hip. This problem with Steven is debilitating to his health though. No end in sight currently.

Bob is away today and tomorrow selling at the annual antique toy show here. I've actually been ironing this morning - found the iron and the board, but the board cover is disintegrating from age. Can't remember the last time I used it! Bought a new dust ruffle for our bed and had to iron it! Why can't they come pressed! :o) Cleaning house for guests tomorrow night - I'm cooking a Pennsylvania Dutch dinner: pork chops with applesauce, onion pie, dried corn and for dessert lemon sponge pie and funny cake pie. Bob loves it when we invite friends for dinner because he gets to eat better than when we are alone! :o)