Monday, April 28, 2008

Leaving San Diego!

It's time. Bob's show was only for 2 days so we have to return home today. Had our free breakfast in the hotel. They have the spiffiest waffle iron. Punch a button on a machine, it pours just the right amount into a plastic cup, pour the batter onto the iron, close it and turn it over. It's on a timer so when it goes off, you have a waffle! And it's very good. Nothing sugarfree to put on it so I just added butter - or margarine. No name. Bob is not very adventurous - he had a bagle.

I can't fall asleep as early as Bob does so watched tv after he went to sleep. There was a "House" on at 11pm that I hadn't seen yet. It was so good I sat on the floor at the end of the bed to keep the sound down and from waking Bob. So I didn't get to sleep until after midnight. Awoke to this wierd sound - thought Bob was counting his coins from yesterday. He was putting on his shoes with the velcro! So it was rip rip rip rip rip rip rip and he wondered how it could wake me up! UGH! But then I needed to get up - it was 8am and we have to check out at 11. What a terrible noise to wake up to!

So now he went to Ralph's grocer across the street to buy Green Lime Snapple, sugar free, that we can't get in AZ. And I am going for my last walk on the beach. What a life!!!

Saturday, April 26, 2008

What a life in San Diego!!!

I took a picture of my foot in the freezing water to prove I really did go in it. It looks so warm from a distance, but NOT!

We had dinner at Gringo's Mexican restaurant about 2 blocks from our hotel. Outstanding! Delicious! Even Bob was happy with his.

After dinner we walked out on this pier. There were several dolphins jumping out of the water and what fun to watch! At sunset the pier was jammed with people. We were watching from in front of our hotel. The beach is such a family place - all ages are out there walking, playing.

Miles and miles of water - freezing cold but such fun.

Beautiful Pacific Beach!

The first picture is the view from our hotel room. Gorgeous!

Bob left for the antique postcard show early so I am sitting on the sofa in our room, facing the sliding door, open to the gorgeous, noisy ocean, drinking my Bisbee coffee in a Macy's coffee cup - it's antique! - listening to the soothing breakers. What a wonderful morning. Wearing my Trina Tee in total comfort. Checked the notice on the Ocean View Motel door and this room usually goes for $445 per night! Eeek! Thank goodness for! I got it for less than half that. It has a tiny swimming pool and a hot tub. My left leg was really bad yesterday from sitting so long and not eating right so Bob helped me into a very hot tub in our room last night and it helped a lot. Will walk this fabulous beach today - more exercise should help. There are so many shops around here to walk to - I just HAVE to be able to walk today. Should have brought Bob's walker I guess! Better than staying in my room, but the leg is better today. Old age is plowing into my life! Need some new top soil I think!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Greg Palast wrote about the Stolen Elections. .

He dug up so much info on the Bush family that he had to move to London to be safe! They are out to get him!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The day after. . .

Yeah, we're all on cloud 9 because Hillary won Pennsylvania by 10 pts - but when you view the pie chart her win doesn't look like as much as we would like. If Obama were so great and so popular, why hasn't he sewed up the election?

Gretchen is returning to Bisbee tonight. She doesn't think of herself as a celebrity even though she's made the news from coast to coast with the Hill Car! She is OUR celebrity! Her car got so much good attention for Hillary. Wish we could send her to every state that hasn't voted yet - I'll bet then they would all vote for Hillary seeing this precious, darling Hillcar.

I'm not prejudiced!!!

Fun getting together with all the truly devoted Hill fans in Tucson last night. Restaurant employees decided they were in charge in stead of us and treated some of our supporters badly. So our next party will be back at Lynn's home. Potluck. We won't have to worry about ill mannered, rude employees.

The best thing about this campaign is that we have made so many new friends! And we have such fun working together for Hillary! We should ALL go to North Carolina to win that one for her. If anyone knows of a car in N.Carolina that Gretchen can paint for Hillary, let me know so we can send Gretchen there.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Hillary won Pennsylvania!

Wow, what a night! Talked to darling Gretchen twice from Pennsylvania. She got to meet both of Hillary's brothers. Hillary's mom wants the Hillary car to go to the Presidential Library. Wow! We should send Gretchen to Indiana with the HillCar!

Nice turnout of devoted Hillary supporters - good food. Very nice evening. And She WON!!! by 10 points.

This is the best time of year in Tucson - warm days and very cool nights. Blooming yellow trees and wild bushes. Beautiful.

Monday, April 14, 2008

96 in Tucson today

On the cusp of summer. Hottest day so far this year. My son has a terrible pain in his teeth so wanted to spend the afternoon at the Racquet Club. Fortunately for him, I had some pain meds so he was able to sleep in the shade at the Club. We swam in the heated pool which felt so good. Sat in the hot tub and then I had a fabulous massage. Been having pain in my left leg and thought I might need a new hip. Masseuse said it is just a torn tendon. She really helped and gave me exercises to do. What a relaxing afternoon!! Would like to spend every afternoon like that!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Spring is here in Tucson!

Yellow flowers are everywhere! It's gorgeous this time of year. Spring fever time for sure! Quiet day, nice lunch, bought ink and paper. Have a new housekeeper so my house is glistening! Such a nice break instead of having to clean house. Now I can just work!!!

The Hillcar is on its way to Pennsylvania. I'm so excited for Gretchen and Kate and the car. That car will make a big splash in that state as it has in Arizona. Check out Gretchen's blog to see the pictures.

Everything's quiet and that's good news. None of the kids or grandkids have gotten into trouble THIS week. So FAR!!!