Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Friends die who don't have cancer

So many medical problems we can die from. Steve had atherosclosis, Alice was 92 with a weak heart. 20 years difference in their ages.

Now I'm after my husband to take good care of himself - for me! Selfish! but I want him to outlive me! Selfish because I don't want to have to figure out all of his finances. I have enough trouble with my own. But when a friend dies suddenly, a wife is more aware of possible medical problems that could make her a widow. It's like becoming a black widow spider. Let's think up a better name than Widow!

My dear friends ask me how my family is - well, I haven't heard from them today so I would lie assume they are all okay! But they are not, of course. My son's 20 yr old step-daughter is pregnant, no father, just released from prison, trying to get into a probation home for unwed mothers soon to deliver. That girl's oldest brother won't even talk to her mother because he has developed a good life in Utah. The third child has been in juvenile detention but just released to the custody of my other son.

I guess some of you would consider that good news. No one is in jail at the moment. We don't have anyone dying at the moment. Praise the Lord and pass the biscuits!

Sad that our sons were raised exactly the same way but with one having his dad's personality and one having his mother's, they are almost exactly opposites. The only thing they have in common is they are both hardworkers and like to help other people.

Actually, my youngest son has rescued every woman he's ever lived with. First wife: married 3 weeks after she had a miscarriage with someone else. Later they had 2 sons. Next girlfriend: she like to talk and would keep him up all night talking then he had to just throw her stuff out in the yard to get rid of her. Next girlfriend with whom he had another son. She was married to a criminal who had good lawyers and got the child declared his even though the DNA proved he was not the father. Wonderful rules that rule child care - even though he is better off with his mom than my son. Rebounding from the relationship he married a girl he felt sorry for because she had MS. It lasted 3 months and then he moved to Tucson. Met his present wife at AA which I thought would work out. Starting drinking champagne at their wedding and never quit until about 3 years ago. Got arrested for domestic violence and had to quit - and get rid of all the guns in the house. He went to rehab, wife did not. I ended up taking care of 3 grandchildren over the next 3 years - off and on.

I love would to hear from more moms or dad who is going thru this kind of difficulty. We raised the kids well, raised them to be clean and neat and courteous to everyone, but this one got into the wrong crowd early and they made him feel good. This is not the way I wanted my kids to end up. My oldest son is doing good working several jobs to pay the bills and asked for custody of the 16 yr old nephew because his mother doesn't want him anymore.

Life and death happens.